Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Regime change in Iran is coming up


My red pill tells me that an attack upon Iran to bring regime change is coming soon.  Natenyahu gave this away in a recent speech and now I see on the Zionist MSM that they are saying they have moved up the time for Iran to get a nuclear weapon to two weeks.  They are announcing what they are going to do.  The U.S. and Israel together will be involved in attacking Iran is what I predict.  This will be a military invasion.  This is what my red pill tells me.

How ironic that Iran launches the biggest attack on Israel yet right in the middle of a Presidential campaign here.  Its almost like its engineered to help Trump win the selection.  But I have a very bad feeling about the world right now.  The bad guys are in control and they are making their move and there are no good guys to stop them.  


  1. The sheep are so attached to the Matrix that they spend their entire lives defending it. Every truth I told them was labeled as a 'conspiracy theory', and I was mocked and ridiculed badly. I now understand every word of the old Matrix movie. They are not random quotes for a fictional world. They are intentional statements addressing real-life situations.

    1. This is very true. Those were shills mocking you and ridiculing you badly, not normies. I went through the same thing when I was trying to redpill on Jewtube. The shills pretend to be normies when they attack and ridicule but they are shills who are well paid to do what they do. Many are in Israel and your tax dollars pays their salaries. The original Matrix was allegoric.
