Wednesday, October 2, 2024

9-11: Another Look


So I have recently been taking another look at 9-11 based upon some other research I did about the 9/11 Put options or Insider trading that took place around this event.  See this post

That inquiry uncovered some new information that got me wanting to go back down the 9/11 rabbit hole once again to see what is there. Because you know I really want to uncover the real perps and also get a better handle on the hidden truth.  I have an insatiable appetite for the truth and when I do not believe I fully have understood it I want to understand it better.  

So here are some important links that I want to read and I want you to read as we go down this rabbit hole together:

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side - Part 1

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side - Part 2

Some relevant information from this link are as follows:

On September 10, 2001, one day before 9-11, U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced the DOD could not account for 2.3 Trillion dollars and that an investigation was going to be started to look into this.

The very next day, September 11, the DOD's accounting office on the first floor of the Pentagon, the very same office that was going to be responsible for the investigation into the missing 2.3 Trillion was destroyed by what appears to be a missile.  The exact point of impact of this missile was this office.

The crash of AA 11 into the North Tower impacted the 95th and 96th floors, occupied by Marsh & McClellan, with family ties to the intelligence firm Kroll Associates.

The CEO of Marsh & McClellan was Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, pictured above.

Watch this entire video full screen:

Kroll Associates is suspected of being a CIA front.

Some important questions I have are as follows:

What is the role of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in 9/11, if any? I consider the MIC to be highly suspect in this event.

What is the role of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 9/11, if any? I consider the CIA to be highly suspect in this event.

More to Come

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