Thursday, October 3, 2024

A new epiphany about 9-11


So as I was watching September Clues again, which is a great video that every red pilled person should watch, I had a new epiphany about 9-11 and I want to document it for everyone while I still see it.  This epiphany concerns 9-11 being a completely fake event and yet there are web sites that appear to be very legitimate that make 9-11 appear to be a real event.  This post shows many web sites like that. 

There is something very wrong here. If 9-11 was a staged deception, which it obviously was, then why are all these links talking about it as if it were a real event?  The conclusion I reach is that the web sites talking about 9-11 as a real event are disinformation.  Not just disinformation but very clever disinformation intended to lead the red pilled away from the truth that 9-11 was a staged event and to instead indicate that 9-11 was a real event and to lead us to some of the perps.  Both of these stories cannot be true.  Either 9-11 was staged or it was real.  From everything I have seen as a red pilled person it was staged.  So these web sites saying it was real are disinformation no matter how legitimate they look and how believable they sound.  Which means the perps they are leading us to are not the real perps at all.  Do you see this?

If 9-11 was a staged event then all web sites portraying it as real are disinformation and nothing on them can be trusted to be true.  The Two Worlds Paradigm definitely applies here.  

The Truth is not what they want you to believe.  The Truth is what they do not want you to even suspect. 

Do you comprehend that these web sites talking about 9-11 as a real event MUST be disinformation and that nobody (except mavericks like Simon Shack) is actually telling the real story about 9-11.  I am here to open your eyes to the extreme disinformation they have created around this event to make it appear legitimate when it is NOT legitimate.   Let that sink in.  

9-11 was not legitimate and EVERY web site saying it was legitimate, no matter how believable it may appear to be, is disinformation.   That is the epiphany that I share with the red pilled.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY A VERY CLEVER PRESENATION THAT APPEARS TO MAKE 9-11 LEGITIMATE WHEN IT IS NOT.

If you do not understand what I am saying in this post, please ask in the comments because I want you to understand.


  1. I gave your blog to my friend, who is very open-minded and free-thinking, to read in hopes of changing his mind. He is neither liberal or conservative. He started with the "Important Posts" section to grasp the context of your blog. He mentioned that the first few posts in the "Important Posts" section were really well-written, made sense, and were quite interesting. However, when he read "Convid 19 is really ID2020", he said he laughed a lot because "the level of delusion is too high", which made him start to doubt the credibility of your blog. Therefore, I think you should remove the post "Convid 19 is really ID2020" from the "Important Posts", as there is no evidence of microchips for a cashless society being found in anyone around the world today. Please don't be offended, but this post only discredits your other posts, much like how Alex Jones uses a tin foil hat to discredit his Sandy Hook discussions.

    1. Based on your feedback I removed "Covid19 is really ID2020" from my important posts. I may unpublish that post entirely because it does not appear to be true. That said, I still believe there was a nefarious purpose behind the Covid19 PSYOP.

    2. The entire "ID2020" thing is apparently disinformation coming from the evil establishment itself, certainly. ID2020 is purportedly for establishing a "world government" in 2020, as if the world isn't already under the control of the Jewish government. There's no need for a pandemic to create the world government in 2020; the truth is, we've been under a world government governed by the Jewish force (a secret world government) for quite some time—since they own the banks, they effectively own countries around the world. "ID2020" is also associated with a "cashless society", as if it is a negative development. Yet, in some developed countries, society has already transitioned to being 70-80% cashless, which has made things up to ten times more convenient; there's nothing inherently bad about that. Is a microchip even necessary when we always carry smartphones with us everywhere? The “injecting microchip” thing is absolutely unnecessary and therefore just another piece of disinformation. Although there is indeed nefarious purposes, ID2020—which involves microchips, world government, and a cashless society—is just disinformation coming from the evil side.

  2. I'm going to redo my important posts section based on your feedback. As for my post on Covid 19 being ID2020 that is nothing like what Alex Jones. AJ wore tin foil on his head to make himself look like a clown and to discredit the truth he told. I can assure you I was not trying to do that with my covid 19 post. I am willing to take another look at that post to make sure it still matches what I believe to be the truth.
