Thursday, November 19, 2020

 The consequences of taking the Red Pill

I realize that a great change has taken place inside of me since I made the choice to take the red pill.  As in the movie the Matrix, taking the red pill is not really a positive thing.  As Morpheus tried to warn Neo before he took it, the words "Remember, all I am offering is the truth" was a heads up that Neo might not like what he sees after taking it. The truth is supposed to be this shining light that we all seek after but as Neo found out and I found out and anyone else who has taken the genuine red pill and not some substitute offered by Trump or QAnon or anyone like them who spins truth into self serving propaganda, the actual truth can be a real downer.  Most people will never seek out the truth as I have done because its too difficult and they are too distracted by life and they really do not want to know it even though they say they do.  People want a sweet tasting Placebo for the truth which is why they latch on to charlatans who say they offer the truth but really they are just telling you what you want to hear.  90% or more of the online truth Gurus fit in this category.  Whenever you see someone trying to profit from the truth by selling you a book or a video, avoid that person.  The truth is not for sale and even if it were nobody would want to buy it.  But I am deviating from the purpose of this post which is to explain the consequences of taking the Red Pill as I see them.

I used to be proud of my country but I am no longer.

I used to be proud of the U.S. military but now I am no longer.

I used to be proud of the American government but now I am no longer.

I have lost all faith in the American way of life because I have seen through the facade of what it pretends to be to what it really is.  

I liked America in an earlier time period but in 2020 I no longer like it.  

I have no trust for anyone in authority.  None.  Zero.  Nada. 

All the Lies and Deceptions I have seen with my own eyes have destroyed the American dream for me forever.  

The only thing I care about now is helping to save the American people, or more accurately that percentage of the American people I deem worth saving.  

The red pill did not bring me happiness.  On the contrary, it brought me a sober awareness of a dark and dismal reality that is hidden by ruthless snakes who exploit the people like parasites to keep them enslaved to a system that does not benefit them but that benefits the parasitic elite.

Why did I spend over a decade taking the red pill and learning the truth that nobody would tell me?  Because I wanted to know.  Specifically, I wanted an explanation for 9-11 which nobody gave me.  All I got was a thousand different mutually exclusive explanations that there was no way to ever reconcile.  I did not find this acceptable so I went looking for the truth on my own and I found out.  And once I found out that truth, I had eyes to see all the other truths about American society and the world.  

Again I ask myself, why did I take the Red pill?  What good does it do me to know something that I can never tell to people who have never taken it because they will never understand my words and if they do understand they will never accept them?  I do not know.

For the longest time I lived under the illusion that I could spread truth to others and make them see what I have seen and pull them into the light of truth but I cannot.  Only those who have made the journey I have made can see what I see.  I can use the best possible words to help explain the truth to others and only the choir is going to agree with me.  From everyone else I will either get crickets or ridicule.  Maybe I have woken up a very few people who had no idea but for the most part I believe I have failed completely to spread the truth.  

As an individual I can do nothing except to maintain this Blog and try to reach people through it but what I really want to do is to join others who have taken the red pill and want to do something about changing the world.  The bad guys own everything and are a running a game on all the honest hard working people and I do not like that.  I want to help lead a war against them but I cannot do it alone.  I need help from above and help from others who like me want to do something to change the world for the better. Its not good enough just to try to enlighten others by spreading the truth. What I want is to be part of a Revolution that totally destroys the current corrupt snake-owned System and frees all the people from enslavement to it.  It was this desire for change that led me to support Donald Trump in 2016 under the misguided notion that he really was what he advertised himself to be. He was not.  I got burned very badly and I learned the hard way that charlatans are a dime a dozen but real Heroes who save the day for everyone are very rare. I need a Hero to get behind or a group of Heroes to get behind to begin to really do something about the problems facing America and the world. I have a lot of great ideas about how a real Resistance movement to the System can be effective but I cannot do anything alone.  I need to be part of something bigger than myself that wants to improve everyone's life for the better and does not give a fuck about profit or exploitation or Capitalism.  Capitalism is not the solution for the people.  Its great for helping the rich exploit most of the people but its very bad for humanity.  Capitalism does not give a fuck about people.  Capitalism does not give a fuck about the truth.  Capitalism cares about profit and it encourages a system based on lies and deception to keep everyone happily serving the rich.  I reject Capitalism.  We need to do better than this and we can.  


  1. The US is a demonic nation from the beginning days it was born. Jews controlled everything - three biggest, largest and most powerful empire are created & controlled by Jews: the USSR, the British Empire & the The USA. Jews took control of the Great Britian approximately five hundred years ago. It conquered the world (which it call this process by various invented-term such as "building the civilized world", "modernizing" or "bringing light of civilization" for the backward nation). Then The British help to created the USA. The USA is the ultimate satanic contry as its purpose to be created. We should call it JewSA. All founding father of the USA are freemanson. All of them are slave owner. All of them are genocidal tyrants who publicly brutally genocide the Native American population and even encourage others to genocide these poor people. All of them are heartless. All of them was Jewish (testing gene of one of our fouding father Thomas Jefferson, it reveal that he is Jewish, but they don't test others). They have very positive view about the Jew, they welcome the Jews to this country, they wish the Jews well in this country. See the contradiction? They are brutal and heartless to other races such as Indians (Native Americans) or Black but they treat the Jews so good. The USA was designed as the biggest satanic nation in the world. In World War I, when the country of Justice and God, Germany of the Aryan almost won the Jewish allies, the JewSA came to save them. In World War 2, the
    the JewSA again came to save the Jews in Europe and its Jewish communism before their annihilation by the Great Aryan. The JewSA is created as the Jewish big boss final villain to destroy the Justice Divine nation of Germany. and the JewSA has been so successful. Now Hitler and Germany was gone, the JewSA aim to dominated the world for Israel as planned.

  2. If capitalism and socialism (communism) both wrong? What economic model is right?
    I saw Stormfront members complain of two models of economic of the world that are capitalism and communism (socialism), they call these two models are both Jewish inventions - two sides of one coin.
    1. Communism (socialism): Stormmember viewed it as failed model of economy, they think socialism is hellish.
    2. Capitalism: which is consider as extremely successful models, this model is successful at everywhere. Some nation used to be communism and hellish poor(China or Vietnam) but after they convert to capitalism, they begin to see successful, they economy grow up with the fastest rate and they become richer. However, Stormfront members still complain that capitalism is bad because it is "unfair" when the capitalists get the most money and profit, and they often accused that capitalism is the tool of Jews to suck wealth in White country. With all of its clear success, they still think capitalism is bad economic model.
    So which economic model is good for you now?

    1. Of course Capitalism is superior to Communism. I never said it was not. You only see two choices so when I say I reject Capitalism you incorrectly infer that I want communism. When I say I reject the Republican party you incorrectly infer that I want the Democratic Party to be in power. It is your own mind that is enslaved that you are unable to see beyond two choices. Capitalism could be good in theory but the people running the System are corrupt parasites. Only if the Federal Reserve Bank was eliminated and interest bearing currency in which the Jews get a cut off the top from everything every else does and can create money out of nothing for their own profit; only if that is eliminated could Capitalism be what it truly should be. If the USA had its own currency that was not interest bearing then the system would be much more fair. But I see beyond Capitalism to something you have not imagined yet. Capitalism works but is this the best we can do? Is there not a better system? I envision a better system that puts people first and profit secondary.

    2. Edit to Add: Capitalism in theory does put people first and profit second but Capitalism as it currently exists in the USA has been twisted and perverted so that it puts profits first and people are slaves to profit. Everyone becomes a money chaser. That is certainly not the best system we can hope for as a people. I hope your eyes open enough to be able to see that. Maybe Capitalism itself is not evil but the way Capitalism has been twisted so that money becomes the God of everyone is horribly wrong and misguided and perverts our entire society and encourages lies and deceptions to keep everyone satisfied so they keep making money for their owners. This is NOT the way it was intended to be. When the 1% own more than 50% of everything and most people own very little then the entire system is corrupt and fit for the dung heap.

  3. the truth is a cavern that keeps expanding. i thought the rothschilds were the top banker criminals and this am discovered a similar family called the safra's who go back even further and who knows that name? my blog gets little traffic for some reason and i post the truth as i discover it daily. perhaps the great unwashed, as those in charge refer to us, don't want to really know said truths. it can be easier to drift along and dream but then you become food for those in charge. either way nothing is easy

    1. I read your blog and I know that you are trapped by them to look ridiculous and dumb. There are a few anti-Zionist site with actually run by Jews or their shill to spread fake news. Alex Jones is one of them (shocking, right. But he is really one of them. He is their shill). Donald Trump is one of them too. And truth seekers spread fake news which made them become so dumb. For example, I consider all news about Bill Gates and vaccines such as "vaccine to kill people to depopulate", "ID2020" fake news. And other dumb conspiracy theories such as Flat Earth too. Even "Deep State", "Reptilian aliens filled in government" are fake too. "Deep State" is an Jewish invention term to distract people from the real Jewish clique with all Jews connected together and work together to control everything. People in other countries or even in our country maybe know America has "deep state" but still think Jewish people and Israel is something very nice and deep state consider with secret people (only some are Jews or maybe not related to "Jewish interest" at all) or aliens - especially the Asians, they love Israel although some of them think America has "deep state". It is all trap to make truth seeker look dumb. 90% of truth seeker are losers, dumb, poor or mediocre in society anyway. I have friends in India and Vietnam, they said Bill Gates donated vaccine has eradicated some deadly diseases in some areas. He also did built infrastructures for these poor countries in Africa as well, maybe he belong to one of them, but he actually work as a good guy and a matyr so that truth seeker will attack wrong guy which made them look dumb. He is a trap, good guy but is PR as bad guy. ID2020 or "depopulation" are all bullshit. For example, if Bill Gates killed 500 thousand kids in Indians. How do they know this exactly beautiful number (exactly 500 thousand, wow). If 500 thousand kids was killed, tens of million of Indians will protest heavily, including mothers, fathers,brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents of each kid. Everyone in families and relatives of each kid will go to the stress to protest and hundred of free Indian media will report it daily. These protesters will protest heavily and attack American embassies or any other American symbols. Millions of them wil constantly go to facebook, twitter, youtube..and other media to condemn Bill Gates. Even one village is killed by a group of rapist attract tens of thousands people to protest in India. So how about the claim "500 thousand kids is killed by Bill Gates"? Why are there no protest on him? Why is Bill Gates still have good relationship with the Indians? He even donated to the Serum Institute of India to provide $3 vaccine for Indian people. However, none of these Indians claim or make videos to condemn Bill Gates killed their kid. Let alone 500 thousand kids, a massively huge number. Only shills or dumb American who believe this made-up fake news. People from other third-world countries really know what Bill Gates has contributed for them and this is real contribution and donation, unlike some anti-vaxxer making fake news Bullshit. List of fake news push by Jewish Shill to made truth seeker look dumb or distract them from the truth: "Bill Gates is bad", "depopulation agenda", "agenda 21", "ID2020", "deep state", "Trump is fighting the swamp", "QAnon", "Mass Arrest during Corona Lockdown" (another QAnon bullshit), "flat earth", "nuke is hoax", "all of the most successful Hollywood actors secretly drink children blood" (massively exaggerated fake news from another fact),...etc...

    2. Edit: in the previous reply above I used an app that converts speech to texts so it has misinterpreted quite a lot of my words. Now, this is a post without vocabulary error below (sorry I cannot type continuously because the blog limit only 4096 words)

    3. I read your blog and I know that you are trapped by them to look ridiculous . There are a few Anti-Zionist sites actually run by Jews or their shills to spread fake news. Alex Jones is one of them (shocking, right? But he is really one of them. He is their shill). Donald Trump is one of them too. And truth seekers spread fake news which made them look dumb. For example, I consider all "news" (actually, rumors) about Bill Gates and vaccines such as "vaccines is to kill people to depopulate", "ID2020" fake news. And other dumb conspiracy theories such as Flat Earth too. Even "Deep State", "Reptilian aliens are filled in our government" are fake too. "Deep State" is an Jewish invented term to distract people from the real "Jewish clique" aka Jewish-Zionist interest group. People in other countries or even in our country maybe know America has a "deep state" but still think Jewish people and Israel is something very nice and "deep state" include alien secret people (only some are Jews by accident or maybe "deep state" not related to "Jewish interest" at all) - especially the Asians, they love Israel although some of them think America has "deep state". "Deep state" is the term to protect the Jews, people will think Deep state include aliens or some white people did something for secret reasons, not Jewish interest, so the jews is irrelevant. It is all trap to make truth seekers look dumb. 90% of truth-seeker are losers, dumb, poor, or mediocre in society anyway. I have friends in India and Vietnam, they said Bill Gates donated vaccine has eradicated some deadly diseases in some areas. He also did build infrastructures for these poor countries in Africa as well, maybe he belongs to one of them, but he actually works as a good guy and a martyr so those truth-seekers will attack the wrong guy which made them look dumb. He is a trap, a good guy but gets PR as a bad guy by shills. ID2020 or "depopulation" is all bullshit. For example, if Bill Gates killed 500 thousand kids in Indians. How do they know this exactly beautiful number? (exactly 500 thousand, wow). If 500 thousand kids were killed, tens of millions of Indians would protest heavily, including mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents of each kid. Everyone in families and relatives of each kid would go to the streets to protest and hundreds of free Indian media would report all these protests. These protesters would protest heavily and attacked American embassies or any other American symbols. Millions of them would constantly go to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.., and other media to condemn Bill Gates. Even a village girl is killed by a group of rapist attracted tens of thousands of people to protest in India. So how about the insanely & suddenly claim "500 thousand kids are killed by Bill Gates"? Why are there no massive protests against him in India? Why is Bill Gates still have good relations with the Indians? He even donated to the Serum Institute of India to provide a $3 vaccine for Indian people. However, none of these Indians claim anything or make videos to condemn Bill Gates killed their kid. Let alone 500 thousand kids, a massively huge number. Only Jewish shills or dumb Americans who believe this made-up fake news. People from other third-world countries know what Bill Gates has contributed for them and this is a real contribution and donation, unlike some anti-vaxxer making fake news bullshit

    4. ....List of fake news push by Jewish Shill to made truth seekers look dumb or distract them from the actual truth: "Bill Gates is bad", "depopulation agenda", "agenda 21", "ID2020", "deep state", "Trump is fighting the swamp", "QAnon", "Mass Arrest during Lockdown" (another QAnon bullshit), "flat earth", "nuke is a hoax", "all of the most successful Hollywood actors secretly drink children blood" (massively exaggerated fake news from another fact),...etc...

    5. You are wrong about what you allege to be fake news that is created purposely to make truth seekers look like fools. Some of the things you identify as fake news are not fake at all, including Bill Gates is Bad, Agenda 21 and ID2020. Some of the things you say are fake news including Trump is fighting the swamp, QAnon, mass arrests during the Lockdown, George HW Bush was executed. flat earth and nuke is a hoax. If you cannot tell the truth from fake news then you have no real discernment. Its not up to me to tell you what is true and what is not true. No matter what I tell you, you will believe whatever you want to believe. It is very unhelpful for you to mix truth with falsehood and believe it is all falsehood.

  4. good post. taking the red pill is no picnic, that's for sure. but continuing to live in the jews inverted fantasy world just makes you more & more stupid with time. eg: everyone now believes viruses are real & you need toxic graphene soaked masks & syringe-fulls of f**k-knows-what to protect you from them.

    regarding an alternative to capitalism, people need to know we live in a slave society where we're enslaved by usury & unlimited rent charged on stolen land. both fraudulent & both able to be undone in a day with a united effort. but buying a house means paying once for build costs, once to buy stolen land (on average) & twice for illegal interest levied on money created from nothing. so though you do get a house you actually pay for 4

    so with money & land reform everyone's house costs 1/4 of what it does now. it's actually more than this because income taxes are levied to pay interest on government loans (they pay interest on money created out of nothing by banks too, also fraudulent & not required). but an economy literally being 4 times as efficient overnight is the consequence of such reforms. not bad

    then there's hemp. made illegal to make oil profitable? made illegal because it's the key to self-sufficiency for every community? or both? either way decriminalizing hemp & creating self-sufficient communities will double economic efficiency at least by another factor of 2. so now we're at x8

    setting up free energy labs will probably lead to at least another x2 (minimum) & there's probably many things you can think of to increase efficiency still further.

    ultimately slave societies like (all of) ours are centralized. real economies are autarky's. self-sufficient, autonomous, etc. that's the real economic alternative


    [ for info on free energy read Gerry Vassilatos' "Lost Science" (beyond incredible) ]
