Sunday, January 24, 2021

Murdered Covid 19 Researchers and whistle blowers

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Do you remember all the microbiologists who ended up dead under mysterious circumstances before Covid 19?  If not, here is an article about that, which shows a similar pattern to what is documented in the above article:

I have always been extremely curious about those microbiologist deaths and I do not believe they are coincidental.  I believe those microbiologists were intentionally murdered.  There is a definite pattern to it.  In a world controlled by the Jewish Snake, it does not take a rocket scientist to see that these researchers were silenced, for whatever reason, because of the work they were doing. Although the Jewish owned Main Stream Media goes to great effort to make the case that these deaths have nothing to do with the work the researcher is doing,, the thinking rational person sees through this as the smoke screen that it is to hide the truth.  

In the case of Covid 19, I can offer some possible explanations why Covid 19 researchers would be assassinated:

Possible Reason one:  The researcher discovers evidence that Covid 19 is man made and not a naturally occurring virus.  In such a case, the researcher would be silenced to prevent this information from getting to the public.

Possible Reason two:  The researcher discovers a cure for Covid 19 that does not involve vaccination.  Since the Jewish Establishment is using Covid 19 as a cover to get everyone to take the vaccine(s), the researcher would be silenced so that the vaccine is the only publicly available "cure" for Covid 19.  

Possible Reason three:  The researcher discovers a cure for Covid 19 that involves a legitimate vaccination that actually cures the disease instead of the Jewish Establishment offered vaccination that is not a cure for Covid 19 at all but is intended for nefarious purposes that have nothing to do with Covid 19.  As I have said repeatedly on this Blog, the Jewish establishment is using Covid 19 as a cover to get everyone to take a vaccine whose real purpose has nothing to do with Covid 19.  Covid 19 is just a means to an end to get everyone to take an Establishment offered vaccine.  So if an honest medical researcher was working on an vaccine to actually cure Covid 19 outside of the Jewish Establishment agenda then that researcher would be seen as a threat to the goal of the Jewish Establishment and this is a reason why such a researcher would be murdered.  

As for who is actually behind these murders, I very strongly suspect it is the Israeli Mossad.


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