Note: The Jews deleted this post from my Blog outside of my control but I am restoring it.
Use of Front Organizations
In the context of this post, a Front Organization is one which appears to have nothing at all to do with Jews but secretly Jews control the organization to accomplish their goals and agendas without the public being aware of it.
There are many Front Organizations in the world today and the Jews are actively using all of them to accomplish their nefarious Jewish Master Plan in secret.
What follows is a short list of Front Organizations that I have identified but there are many more.
The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of Freemasonry
The U.S. Government
Unfortunately, the U.S. Government has been a front for Jewish control for a long, long time. In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm, the U.S.A. is a Democracy and the American people are in control of the government. In the Real World, the U.S.A. is a faux Democracy that is ruled by a government that is in no way a Democracy. The Jewish Snake runs the U.S. Government and every President such as Donald Trump is just a puppet to the Jewish oligarchy. If any U.S. President decided not to be a puppet they would get shot in the head by their wife.
Communism is Jewish
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Tavistock Institute
Trilateral Commission.
W.H.O. (World Health Organization)
Use of Secret Societies
Censorship in the context of this post is the forcible removal of any information on Jewish controlled media that the Jews do not want to be there. Two main categories of information that are censored on Jew controlled media are:
1. Any truthful information that exposes Jewish Lies and disinformation.
2. Any truthful information about Jews themselves that outs Jews for who they are and the evil they are doing in the world.
An example of censorship is that Jewish censors at Google are actively deleting posts from this Blog without my knowledge or consent. Since Jews own Google and own the platform on which my Blog exists they believe they have the right to do this and I have no say so in this matter.
Another example of censorship is what is happening on Jewtube (owned by Google) where truthful content in comments is automatically deleted by bots, where truthful videos are routinely deleted, where accounts are routinely deleted, etc. Maybe its time to stop using Jewtube and create a non-Jewish alternative to it.
Use of Disinformation Agents
In the context of this post, a Disinformation Agent is a person who pretends to be telling the truth to the public (i.e. pretends to be a truther). In the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm they are truthers who are telling the truth to the public. In the Real World they are agents paid by the Jewish Snake to deceive the public. Unfortunately, almost all of the so-called truthers that people have been conditioned to trust are actually disinformation agents in disguise. You should look every so-called truther in the mouth to see if they are trustworthy because the vast majority of them are not. See the following link for some of the disinformation agents and web sites I have identified.
Use of Shills
The job of the shill is to post lies and disinformation and to attack the truth when it gets posted and to attack and ridicule and attempt to shame the person posting the truthful content.
Normies reading these posts and comments from shills can easily be deceived into believing them. Herd mentality sets in if enough shills are saying the same thing on a Jewtube video or on some topic on a message board so that a normie thinks what the shills are saying must be true since so many are saying the same thing. This is the M.O. of the shills, to have a lot of shills saying the same thing so that normies come to believe in. Its a very effective deception tool.
Many of these shills are located in Israel and if you are U.S. citizen then your tax dollars pay their salaries. But shills on the internet can be located in any place in the world to do their dirty work.
An example of the activity of shills involves the fake Apollo moon landings. Whenever anyone talks about the Apollo moon landings being faked and staged on earth, the "flat earth" meme automatically gets pushed by the shills to make the person making the claim of staged moon landings look like a delusional lunatic who denies basic reality. Its shameless what the shills do but shills have no shame. They are the lowest form of life who spread lies and disinformation for money. Not surprisingly, many Jews from Israel are shills since these Jews have no morality whatsoever about lying to and deceiving non-Jews. In fact they take pride in it.
Use of PSYOPs
Use of Lookalikes
A lookalike is someone who bears a facial resemblance to another person (usually someone famous) who is not that person but pretends to be. The Jewish Snake uses this extensively in its PSYOPs and deceptions. For example, there were multiple lookalikes playing the role of Paul McCartney during his Beatles years. Physicist Stephen Hawking died and was replaced by one or more lookalikes as revealed by Miles Mathis in this post. I disagree with Miles Mathis about many things but he is truthful in saying Stephen Hawking was replaced. Besides these two examples, many lookalikes have appeared of various celebrities and musicians. If the facial resemblance is close enough then the public usually will not notice that a lookalike is being used.
More to Come
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