Wednesday, December 22, 2021


If you have any questions or comments about anything on my old or new blog or want to communicate with me about anything else, you may email me at 

There is no way Humanity can win against this Treachery unless Humanity Unites against it.


  1. Your new blog is dead

    1. I am aware. That is the reason I made this post on my old blog.

    2. The Jews are the core of all problems/ the main problems but you cannot say anything truthful about them without GETTING CENSORED BECAUSE OF THE RACIST/ANTI-SEMITIC REASON. They have this indestructible shield to protect people from being aware of their evil. To these people, if you say anything bad about Jews, you are Hitler or a Nazi (and they are not even bad in my opinion) so you must be censored.

    3. They are also incredibly crafty.

  2. Just a quick note to offer my moral support.

  3. You need to move to Gab, at least 2 dozen Jew-realist daily posters over there, e.g.

    1. What point is there in making white nationalists read Jew-aware posts?

  4. I found your new blog from a tweet by Culture Wars.

    Do you know E Michael Jones?

    Yes, you need to leave blogspot too.

    Please, post your new address soon.

    Looking forward to your new posts.

    Good Luck.

    1. I do know E Michael Jones. I really don't know where to go on the internet where I will not suffer censorship. The problem with Jews is that not only do they tell all the rest of us what to think, Jews think they have the right to censor everyone else's free speech. They don't but its Jewish money and control that allows them to censor. If ever there was an enemy worth fighting, it is this one. It is the enemy of all of humanity and it runs the show.

  5. I just bookmarked your blog...and it's gone. You should know by now that you can't use any U.S. or Western corporations and expect anything less. First, if you choose to stay on the existing internet, you have to use services outside of their reach. Dailystormer uses a .su domain from the former soviet union, but still has problems. You have to use your own website builder and find a host in a somewhat independent country, which is non-western. If not, then just use Gab or Telegram which will give you more outreach ability anyway.
    If you're willing to hop on a learning curve for web 3.0, go to unstoppabledomains and get a crypto address and start building for the future which by all indications is going to be worse. You pay for the domain just once and can receive crypto to it. Given that a blog is pretty simple code, you can just transfer your site there. All modern browsers, Chrome, Brave, Firefox can open the sites.

    Don't disappear, don't let them win. Happy New Year.

    1. I am not sure that even servers overseas in countries like Iceland would be safe. Jews have purposely distributed themselves in literally every country so they can control those countries. Jews are a parasite, predator race on humanity. If the Jews want a web site taken down then I believe they have the ability to do that regardless of where the web site is hosted. When I say Jews control the world, I mean literally that and certainly that means control of the entire internet. The problem with that new technology is that the vast majority audience I am trying to reach is not going to be using it so that would be not my goal. I am trying to red pill the common man (or woman) so I must use technology that the common man or woman uses. Gab or Telegram may be censor free today but do not think that these are not controlled by Jews. Just because Jews allow some freedom of speech today does not mean that at any point in the future they could decide to clamp down on it. There is no real freedom of speech on the internet. Its just a Jew created illusion, like so many other things.

  6. I am so sorry and want to give condolence to you because all posts in your new blog, which cost you a lot of time and effort to write and improve, have gone. If I was you, I will never write or share anything again (but I still do not give up on the truth), I will still research and seek the truth on various events but I do not want to share it anymore because I suffered censorship brutally before (again, I mean that if I was you only).

    1. I hear what you are saying but truth matters. My only goal for my blogs has to been to speak the truth and there is no sin in speaking truth even if makes certain people look very bad (which they are). I still want to red pill people but it seems as if the people I want to reach are separated from me so they can never hear my voice, much less understand my words. Perhaps this is the way it is meant to be.

  7. Do you have your blog anywhere else yet? I was surprised to see it gone!

  8. Are you still out there posting? Have you started posting on another platform?
