Friday, December 31, 2021

 JFK's mistakes which got him killed were two fold.

One, he underestimated the importance of Dimona not just to Israel but to the International Jews behind Israel.  He did not know that Israel getting nukes was part of the Jewish Master plan and that by blocking that plan of the Jews, he was jeopardizing his own life. JFK had not seen the truth about Jewish control of the world.  He thought his position as American POTUS really meant that he had power to influence big decisions like Israel not being allowed to develop nukes.  JFK did not know that his replacement was already waiting in the wings to take his place if he asserted his own personal control outside of the will of his Jewish masters. All it would take is just one well placed bullet to get rid of him and then Israel could develop all the nukes it wanted without any American oversight whatsoever.

His second mistake is believing that he could not be easily assassinated while he was President.  Believing his position as POTUS protected him,  he underestimated the ability and the determination of the Jewish enemy to replace him. JFK didn't know that the U.S. Secret Service was compromised at the top and that instead of protecting him, the U.S. Secret Service would stand down and allow his assassination.  JFK didn't know that the very motorcade he was in was a carefully crafted assassination tool.  He could not have known that the Presidential Limousine would be driven to a pre arranged kill zone where everyone in and outside of the Limo would be complicit in his assassination.  And he certainly did not know that his own wife and the mother of his children would be the trigger woman who would end his life and Presidency.  JFK underestimated (((them))) and how treacherous (((they))) can be when they really want to do something. 


  1. are you sure you're right about the cause being israels desire to get nukes? i've read quite a bit about nukes being a hoax on (the best tribe aware site around, to my knowledge). scroll down about a page & you'll see all the nuke-lies stuff. it's very compelling. plus nukes are great for fear-mongering. having people believe in them is in many ways much better than actually having them. no bad karma to incur from setting them off but still getting people to dance to your tune, etc, etc.

    it makes more sense that JFK was killed because he started the US printing it's own money. exec order 11110. control of money is the One Ring, the Ring of Power, that which enslaves & corrupts all else. it's where they get all their power from & they guard it jealously (saddam, gaddafi, etc)

    1. After looking at it, I believe the main thing that got JFK killed was his insistence that Israel not be allowed to develop nukes at their Dimona facility. There were no doubt other things JFK did that pissed off the Jews but I think that is what caused the desire to quickly assassinate him and replace him with LBJ. Nukes are not a hoax. Viruses are not a hoax. The round earth is not a hoax. Shills say such things to deny reality when they have nothing else to turn to but you should not be deceived by blatant lies like that. Just because a web site appears to be anti Jew does not mean that it is not ran by Jews and filled with Jewish shills. is a perfect example of that. Your test for authenticity has to go beyond anti Jew. You need to develop genuine discernment to be able to detect fake truther web sites. I cannot give that you knowledge. It is something you must develop on your own. Of course the shills with their clever tongues can make white appear to be black and visa versa but you just have to know they are clever liars. Jews are very clever liars by their very nature. They have developled the art of lying and shilling over centuries. Do not even read their writings. You must be grounded in basic reality and not allow yourself to be deceived by absurd notions that deny reality. If you want to deny something, deny the Apollo moon landings, which never happened but do not deny reality. JFK printing Silver Certificates probably pissed the Jews off but they had many ways of dealing with that outside of killing JFK. You sound like you are occult oriented. Don't be. Shills use the occult to influence others.

  2. "JFK printing Silver Certificates probably pissed the Jews off ..."

    That's funny, because it was the complete opposite in reality. That executive order actually GAVE more printing power to the Federal Reserve, not less. If anything, the Jews should've been delighted, not pissed off. To quote:

    "The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes.[2]"

    Here's the original document you can read for yourself:

    1. Dimona was the primary reason why JFK was assassinated but him issuing currency outside of the FED was probably a secondary reason. JFK's fight with the CIA was a third reason.
