Thursday, November 14, 2024

My desire for a new platform

In retrospect I was foolish to start a Blog on a platform owned by a company started by Jews, administered by Jews and in bed with the CIA. That is a recipe for censorship.  But the Blog was free and easy to set up which is why I chose it. But there is no freedom of speech on Google. Everyone should know that. If its not Google Administrators deleting posts they don't like, its the CIA going onto the Google servers and making deletions of anything they find that outs them. Surprisingly my Sandy Hook post is still up.  Since the CIA and their front company GE were heavily involved in Sandy Hook, I was sure they would deep six that one. Better copy that post while it still exist. 

But I seek to move this Blog to a new platform where my posts will not be censored. The problem is that I don't know any blogging host anywhere in the world that Jews could not get to it to censor it. 

Part of the Jewish Problem is that Jews have unlimited finances to influence or outright buy any media company to control information and to censor anything Jews do not want the public to know. In terms of web site hosting companies, if Jews do not outright own the hosting company then Jews likely hold administrative positions within it. And if they don't then the Jews can go out and buy any company they want.  Or in the case of Telegram, they can arrest the owner of the media company on trumped up charges to get control, but I digress. 

But until I find a new platform that I am satisfied will not censor my content then I will not start a new Blog or website. Neither will I continue this Blog to be censored at will by Google and the CIA. I am effectively left without a voice even though I have a very important message to deliver. I offer the true Red Pill but what good does it do for me to offer it if nobody hears my voice?  Like Neo in the Matrix, I am silenced.

But the situation we find ourselves in is grim. Humanity is losing. The bad guys are winning. Trump becoming POTUS is proof of that. Israel is getting away with so many abuses and Trump is 100% supportive of Israel. There has never been a more urgent need for my message. And yet nobody hears me or so few hear me that it is insignificant.  For all the time and effort I have spent to red pill people here, I am making no difference at all.  That is very sad to me.

But I leave this situation in God's hands. If God wants me to spread the truth then God will make a way for me to do so. I don't need to worry about it. I'll wait for a sign that God wants me to continue. And if that sign never comes then I will consider that in itself to be a sign that I am not meant to continue attempting to spread the truth. 


  1. Also, my friend, you could create a website if it's not too expensive.

    1. It's more difficult to create a web site. It requires more technica tl expertise that I might not have. And the same censorship issue exists. Wherever I host the web site in the world, whichever country I chose, what guarantee do I have that Jews don't run that hosting company or that Jews don't have the ability to buy that hosting company to censor? Jews have unlimited wealth to buy any media company anywhere to control it for censorship purposes. This is part of the Jewish problem. Buying media for control and censorship. But any hosting company can be either influenced or outright controlled to censor what Jews want censored. Do you understand that?

  2. Here is a link that might interest you.

    1. I've known Trump was dirty and heavily in bed with Jews for a long time, but as for Michael Collins Piper, he is a limited hangout. He tells the truth sometimes but when it gets too close to the really deep truths, he does not tell it. Michael Collins Piper spent years researching the JFK assassination and he never knew Jackie was the assassin or that the U.S. Government was involved? I came closer to the truth about the JFK Assassination just from watching the Zapruder film than Michael Collins Piper ever did. I do not trust him at all.

    2. It seems that he wrote some books and we already know that the elite finances the academic world.

    3. Michael Collins Piper wrote "Final Judgement" about the JFK Assassination. Although he outed Israel and Jews heavily in that book, he did not out the U.S. Government and Jackie. He is not a real truther then. Also I think he was a Freemason. Jews run Freemasonry. So I see Michael Collings Piper as a controlled opposition disinformation agent.

  3. You could always submit pieces to Aletho News for posting there. atheonews (at)

    1. I did not think about doing that. I will try to find the best article to send there. I would love to get someone else saying Jackie did the head shot. The more of us that say it the more of a chance it will be heard and not just dismissed as a lunatic conspiracy theory. No matter how lunatic it may sound to the average American noob, it is the truth. But I don't know if anyone would be as brave as I am to say it openly and boldly.

  4. You should really look into jewish mafia throughout the 1900’s, read a book called Red Mafiya, consider that Russian mafia and jew mafia are one and the same entity, and have more power than any national government could ever dream of having. Look into Trump and his father’s links to jew mafia. I think what we are dealing with now is the complete takeover of the economy’s and government’s of the western world by jew mafia, who have long since controlled the intel agencies of every government they now puppet to do their bidding. They’re untouchable so long as we continue to put faith in the systems they control. What I’m saying is a very simplified version of the truth, they have many non jew orgs, non jew shabbos goy, and secret societies working for them, even the Catholic establishment is part of the network, so sometimes it gets a little confusing when people really dig into who is at the top, who is orchestrating things like the Covid psyop, but the one constant is the jewish element you’ll uncover in every agenda that’s destroying the western world, and replacing our former system with a tyrannical global bureaucracy.

    David Ben Gurion - "In Jerusalem will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind" circa 1962

    1. You sound like a very red pilled person. I would like to communicate with you personally. email me at
