Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of "Barak Hussein Obama"



Barak Obama is a Black Christian man who was born in Hawaii and who became a politician. His father is Barak Obama, Sr. He first became a Senator in Illinois and later became the first Black President of the United States. He inspired millions of Americans with his message of Hope and Change. He was a family man with a female wife and two children. 


The man shown in the image at the top of this post is not who he pretends to be. His name is not Barak Obama but something else but for the sake of this post I will refer to him as Barak Obama. He is not a Christian. He is Jewish. He was not born in Hawaii. He was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. He was not a natural born citizen of the U.S. and thus not Constitutionally qualified to be POTUS.

His father is Muhammed Subud, an Indonesian cult leader.

Obama was chosen from a young age by the Jews to be POTUS. His political career was arranged for him by the Jews so he would eventually become POTUS. The CIA (a Jewish front) was heavily involved in both his rise to political power and his eventual Presidency. Obama is a fraud. His message of Hope and Change was a fraud. Obama's family was not a real family ever. His "wife" is a homosexual transsexual. Obama is a homosexual. His two children do not belong to him but were adopted because two gay men cannot conceive children.

I could write a book about this man and still not cover all the information there is to know about him. But here are all the other posts I have made about either him or his "wife" or his "children" and the Seal Team Six incident which was nothing but a PSYOP to distract public attention away from Obama's forged birth certificate.

A Case of Deception

A Company Family: The Untold history of Obama and the CIA

A deeper look at the man known as Barak Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Death of Osama Bin Laden by Seal Team 6

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Barak Obama Family

Is it a man or a woman?

A Bizarre story about Barack Obama

Obama's Mother

Obama's Mother was CIA intelligence asset Stanley Ann Dunham, pictured above. See this post for more information: 
Stanley Ann Dunham

Obama's Father

Obama is the illegitimate son of Muhammed Subud, an Indonesian cult leader. Obama's mother was a member of the cult and had a sexual affair with the cult leader in which she conceived Obama. See this post.

Obama not a natural born citizen

Obama is not a natural born citizen of the U.S.  Being born in either Kenya or Indonesia, he was not Constitutionally qualified to be POTUS.  Two events that happened to conceal the fact that Obama was not a natural born citizen were passportgate and the releasing of a fraudulent birth certificate. A third event is the alleged death of Loretta Fuddy. 


Obama's Fake Birth Certificate

The Loretta Fuddy Mystery

Deaths Connected to Obama

First my posts:

The Sickening Truth about the Bill Gwatney murder

The Bizarre case of Kam Kuwata

Investigating the Death of Andrew Breitbart

The Loretta Fuddy Mystery

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Death of Michael Hastings

The Death of Ambassador Chris Stevens

Then third-party links:

Deaths connected to the Obama White House – The Millennium Report

What Constitutes “Mysterious” Deaths Under The Obama Regime…Whether Sexually Related Or Otherwise?…Addendum To: Mysterious Deaths Never Far Behind From Barack HUSSEIN Obama…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Comprehensive List Of Deaths Connected To The Obama White House


Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

Crossing Obama Can Be Deadly!


Obama's 'Dead Pool': Deaths Connected To The Obama White House

THE DEATH POOL GROWS: Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent?

Obama is a Pedophile

Obama became openly Jewish

Although Obama was a Muslim, he became openly Jewish to please his Jewish sponsors.

Third-Party Links

Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…

TGP Interview with Andrew Schlafly, Conservapedia Founder

White House Insider: I Hung my head...

White House Insider: You don't wanna ever do the things I've done ...

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: I Hung My Head… - The Ulsterman Report

More to Come

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