Friday, May 28, 2021

Google and Facebook are CIA fronts


It is my contention that both Google and Facebook are CIA Fronts.  For example, I contend that all search queries made using the Google Search engine get sent to the CIA for analysis along with tags that help identify the user making the search query.  In this way the CIA and other intelligence agencies can develop an intelligence profile on every single American citizen and also citizens in other countries who use the popular Google search engine.  Likewise I contend that Facebook is also a CIA front and that all the personal information that Facebook users are foolish enough to trust with Facebook get sent to the CIA and other intelligence agencies for the same purpose, to develop individual profiles on every American citizen and even foreign citizens who use Facebook. Anyone who is red pilled can see what a Goldmine of free information this would be for the CIA and only a naïve blue-pilled person would believe its not possible. I contend that Mark Zuckerberg is a CIA front as is Elon Musk and a lot of other people in the False World.  I am far from the only person to say that Google and Facebook are associated with the CIA. In the remainder of this post I am going to provide links to various web sites that associate Google and Facebook with the CIA for your further reference should you decide to research this for yourself.  They are spying on everything we do.

Truth About Facebook - CIA, U.S. government - Everything Related !


  1. I am surprise that you share an article from medium, a really popular site. Often anything which is popular or known by the mass is not the truth. Bro, is a site created by blogger and twitter co-founder. Is the article from medium that you share about are a opinion post of a (((journalist or reporter)))) or is it just a blog of a independent blogger like you?

  2. I am not saying I agree with all these sites but I put them up for further research because they tend to be saying that Google and Facebook are CIA fronts. Just because I post links to articles on them does not mean that I trust them. I agree with you that often anything which is popular or known by the masses is controlled opposition.
