Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Nancy Krebs AKA Mystery Woman

Nancy Krebs contacted Boulder-based lawyer Walter Leon “Lee” Hill after seeing him on television discussing the Ramsey case. Hill was commenting to reporters about how strange it was that the Boulder police did not want to see his deposition of John Ramsey. Hill had filed a lawsuit against John Ramsey and the National Enquirer on behalf of a Boulder photographer named Stephen Miles. Hill decided to represent Krebs and bring her to the attention of the Boulder authorities.

Hill and Denver-based journalist and author, Stephen Singular, met with District Attorney Alex Hunter and his office’s Chief Investigator, Linda Wickman, on February 15th 2000. Hill stated that his witness has had a lifelong relationship with the White family that could be proved and she had information regarding child sexual abuse activities that could send the Whites to prison along with many other people. Hunter pressed both men for details, raising questions about potential motives, locations of where alleged crimes had occurred and other areas of interest. Hill said that Fleet White Sr. (father of Ramsey friend, Fleet White Jr) had offered his witness $75,000 to keep her mouth shut and come visit him in Aspen, Colorado. Singular brought up multiple aspects of the case that he believed warranted further investigation. He was entertaining the possibility that JonBenet had perhaps been killed outside of the home and then returned to one or both parents.

More to Come

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