Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dossier of Alyce Christoff Sprague

July 13, 1912:  Alyce is born.

Unknown Date:  Alyce and Gordon Christoff and Fleet White Sr. began their relationship in grade school in Long Beach, CA.

Unknown Date:  First marriage to Gordon W. Christoff.

~1940:  Gordon and Alyce Christoff lived in Hawaii for a year along with Fleet Russell White Sr and his wife before their daughter Gwen was born. 

May 3, 1942: Gordon and Alyce Christoff have a daughter named Gwen Christoff.

August 24, 1947: Gordon and Alyce Christoff have a son named Clifford D. Christoff.

June 1966:  First husband Gordon Christoff dies of a massive heart attack while in a screaming match with Fleet Russell White Sr. that concerns the sexual abuse of his granddaughter by Fleet White Sr. 

1971: Second marriage to Albert Hedding Sprague in California. They live together in Cayucos, California.

1992:  Albert Sprague dies.

Shortly after Christmas 1996:  Alyce calls her granddaughter, Nancy Krebs.  She tells her granddaughter, "you know he's guilty." She is talking about Fleet White Sr., not Fleet White Jr. She said it was Fleet White Sr. who did the homicide.

Unknown Date:  Lived in San Luis Obispo, CA.

July 22, 2000:  Died in Cayucos, CA.


More to come.

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