Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Biggest Red Pill: The Jewish Problem


Note: The Jews deleted this post from my Blog outside of my control but I am restoring it.

As I have said before, there are many different red pills a person can take but the biggest red pill of all is the Jewish Problem.  Now most people hearing that term have no idea what it means. They have been kept completely ignorant about it or they have been spoon-fed a false definition of it that serves the Jewish Snake but in this post I am going to explain what the Jewish Problem really is for the red pilled to know.

The Jewish Problem is the biggest problem in the world by far. Once understood it will be seen that most of all other problems relate to the Jewish Problem in some way.

What is the Jewish Problem?

The Jewish Problem is that the Jews are a predator race who are secretly at war against the rest of humanity. The Jews have a long term plan that I refer to as the Jewish Master Plan, which is plan for Jews to control the entire world and all people in it and to own all property.  Part of this plan is to kill off most non Jews and to subjugate and enslave the rest.  There are many problems in this world but once you become red-pilled enough then you realize that most or all of those problems relate to the Jewish Problem in some way.

Nobody teaches you about the Jewish Problem. You have to discover it yourself and that is what I have done. Now that I understand I am trying to help others understand. My job is to educate people who have no clue. 

This entire Blog is intended to be a knowledge base about all aspects of the Jewish Problem so that the red pilled become fully aware of what it means and what effect it has had in the past, it is having in the present and that it will have in the future.  This Blog is intended to fully open your eyes to the Jewish Problem in all its ugliness. 

I strongly recommend that every non-Jew learn what the Jewish Problem is. It will change your entire world view and end any ignorance you might have in a heartbeat.  All I can do is show you the truth. What you choose to do with it is up to you. 

I suggest that you read this entire Blog to become red-pilled about the Jewish Problem and how that many other problems relate to the Jewish Problem.

More to Come

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