So I realize I have not done enough to red pill newbies on this Blog. This Blog is mainly for people who have already taken the red pill. It is intended for those who already see through the illusion of the Matrix to the Real World. This is my primary target audience, but my secondary target audience are newbies who have not yet taken the red pill but want to. Let me just give a few pointers here about this.
The red pill is not about satisfying your own intellectual curiosity about the world but it often starts with that. You have to recognize there is something wrong with the story you are told by your main stream media and your government before you even go looking for the truth. So it starts with a desire to know the truth that you are not being told by your media and government. But how strong is your desire to know the truth? If its just idle intellectual curiosity then you are not ready to know the truth because you will never accept the truth I describe.
The decision to take the red pill is not something which should be made lightly. It takes a long term commitment to understanding what you have never understood before and its not easy. It can take years to become red pilled depending upon your own brainwashing. For some who are heavily brainwashed it may be impossible for them to be red pilled. For others it may be less difficult. But its not easy. I wish it were as simple as swallowing a red pill and then your eyes would suddenly be opened and you would see the whole truth like in The Matrix movie, but its not like that at all. If only it were so easy.
The red pill is a process of removing your own brainwashing so you can see what is there to see that you are not supposed to see.
But I am digressing from the purpose of this post, which is how to become red pilled. As someone who went through the difficult process I am in a position to explain it to others who have yet to become red pilled.
I wish i had had someone explain to me the way i am explaining it to you because it would have made my own red pill so much easier to take. But nobody told me these basic truths. I had to spend many years figuring them out for myself. What nobody told me i had to learn the hard way but i am trying to show you the easy way if you will listen to me.
Trust is your enemy
Trust is a natural human attribute and we are all conditioned from birth to trust others. First our parents then our family then our friends then our teachers and classmates and eventually society itself. Trust is one of the foundations of being a human being but trust is also the main thing that makes a person blind to dishonesty and deception in this world. It is okay to trust those who are trustworthy like your family and friends but it is not okay to trust most people.
Trust is the biggest obstacle to becoming red pilled. All of your brainwashing from birth has conditioned you to trust. It has conditioned you to trust society. It has conditioned you to trust your government. It has conditioned you to trust what is shown on the news to be true.
You are conditioned to trust that society is honest and truthful and that society would never purposely lie to you or deceive you about anything.
But it is this Trust in the honesty of society that is your biggest obstacle to taking the Red Pill I am speaking of on this Blog.
In order to take the Red Pill you must lose your trust of society. You must lose your trust in your government. You must lose your trust of what is shown on the main stream news and even alternative news that you have been conditioned to believe in. You must lose your trust of everyone who is in a position of authority. If you are a Trump supporter you must lose your trust of Donald Trump. You must stop trusting.
In a world of lies and deception, trust is your biggest enemy and you must lose it. The sooner you lose it the better because your trust will blind you to everything I am trying to teach on this Blog.
Losing your Trust in the honesty of society is the first step of becoming red pilled.
Understand the Two Worlds Paradigm
Understand the two worlds paradigm which is a way to see the world and is also a way to understand the Matrix. Not the Matrix in the movie but the real world matrix that is used to deceive everyone. The Matrix is inside your head but you have the ability to escape it by removing your own brainwashing. Once your brainwashing is gone you can see the world as it really is.
Forget what you think you know
Forget what you have been brainwashed to believe about a lot of different cases such as the JFK assassination and 9-11 and start over again from a blank slate to determine what the actual hidden truth is. Getting rid of the accumulated disinformation inside your own head is a prerequisite to learning the truth.
Stop Believing the MSM
Stop Believing what the MSM is saying is true. This is a big one. The vast majority of what the MSM shows is propaganda and not the truth. Every red pilled person must become aware of this and the sooner you know it the better. It would be best to just turn off the television and stop watching the propaganda until you get to a point that you can distinguish truth from propaganda. As for myself, I have no need to watch the MSM on television because I know 99% of what I see is propaganda regardless of the source. I get the news I need to know from trustworthy sources on the internet without relying on the talking heads on television at all. In fact, I have no need for a television anymore although I still have one.
Lies lead to the Truth
You must recognize that you are being lied to by your main stream media and your government before you go searching for the truth. Lies lead to the truth. If you are savvy enough to recognize you are being lied to then this is a great opportunity for you to become red pilled by looking for the truth that you are not getting from the MSM or from government. All lies lead to the truth. Whenever you recognize or even suspect that you are being lied to, that is your cue to go search for the truth. See the following link.
More to Come
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