Friday, October 4, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the JFK Assassination


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  

Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone nut wanna-be Communist shot JFK from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.  He acted completely alone to kill the President.  Jackie Kennedy, the wife of JFK, was an innocent victim of Oswald's assassination of JFK.  The U.S. Secret Service did everything it could to protect the President.  The CIA and the rest of the U.S. Government was not involved in any way with the assassination.  It was all Oswald and nothing but Oswald.  He was the only bad guy in the JFK assassination but fortunately for the world Jack Ruby got justice by assassinating Oswald.  Killer dead. Case closed.  Abraham Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be set up in the perfect position to capture the moment when JFK was fatally shot in the head. The assassination was a complete surprise and shock to everyone.  Nobody expected it to happen.  Texas Governor John Connally was an innocent victim of one of Oswald's bullets, who was badly injured by it and almost bled out in the Hospital.

Real World official explanation:  

The assassin of JFK was his wife, Jackie Kennedy sitting beside him in the back seat of the Limousine. The U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down and allowed the President to be assassinated by his wife. The CIA was heavily involved in the assassination, setting it up and making it possible for Jackie Kennedy to easily assassinate the President without him being able to resist being killed by her. Lee Harvey Oswald was the man chosen to be the patsy in the assassination, to take the blame for what Jackie did. Jack Rubenstein (a Jew) assassinated Oswald so it could not be determined that he was not the actual assassin of the President. Abraham Zapruder (a Jew) was in place to film the head shot by Jackie.  He was purposely there to film it. The assassination was well planned in advance and many people knew it was going to happen. Texas Governor John Connally was a coconspirator in the assassination who feigned being shot to give the false impression that bullets were being fired into the Limousine from outside the Limousine. In actuality Connally was not wounded at all. 

It is time for me to create a new page about the JFK assassination with everything I have learned about it since I created the original page several years ago.  I have learned a lot since I made that page. This new page will show everything I know about it up to now and show links to various other pages.

The Reason JFK was Assassinated

The reason JFK was assassinated is because he was insisting that Israel submit to routine U.S. inspections of its nuclear facility at Dimona and also insisting that Israel not attempt to develop nuclear weapons there.  But Israel was very determined to develop nuclear weapons. A conflict between JFK and Israel arose over this issue in 1963, leading JFK to issue a threat that U.S. aid to Israel would be seriously jeopardized unless Israel submitted to U.S. inspections.  One Israeli Prime Minister resigned so he would not have to answer JFK's letter. Another Israeli Prime Minister stonewalled JFK.  But this led to Israel instigating the plot to assassinate JFK to eliminate him as an obstacle to Israel creating nuclear weapons.

See this link for further details. 

Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot

I don't know why more people don't know this since its shown in plain sight on the Zapruder film but Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot that ended her husband's life.  Jackie had a small but powerful assassination weapon inside the Limousine.  She pressed the muzzle of this weapon underneath the left cheekbone of JFK and fired upward. The projectile that came out of the muzzle of the weapon entered JFK's lower cheek, went up through his head and exited out of a hole on the right side of his head. 

Frame 312:  Jackie about to pull the trigger.

Below is a gif showing the full head shot sequence taken from the stabilized Zapruder film showing Jackie killing her husband in plain sight for everyone to see. You don't need to think about Oswald in the Texas Schoolbook Depository doing the assassination when you can see Jackie doing it with your own eyes inside the Limousine.  Click on the below gif to view it full size.  


Note:  Some people are brainwashed not to see what is shown in plain sight on the Zapurder film.  I was one of those people. For many years I watched the Zapruder film trying to understand it and not once did I have a clue that Jackie was the assassin.  Other people had to point it out to me, what to look for to be able to see it. Even then I had to spend a long time and a lot of effort to be able to see it.  How do I explain this?  I explain it by me being so brainwashed by years of hearing Oswald did it that my mind would literally not let me see what was on this film.  I had to break my own brainwashing before I could see it but now I can see it every single time very easily.  If you cannot see Jackie doing the assassination in the above gif then you are similarly brainwashed not to see what is there. 

A quote from George Orwell seems appropriate at this point before I go further down this rabbit hole.  Believe me when I say that quote is applicable to this thread. Others have gone down this rabbit hole before me but never as deeply as I have.  I don't know why it falls upon me to expose this, but since nobody else is I feel a moral obligation to expose what God has allowed me to see. In this thread I am doing God's work by speaking the forbidden truth in a country where the lie is king (and that is the USA).  Will you help me spread this information?

More to Come

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