Friday, October 4, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the JFK Assassination


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  

Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone nut wanna-be Communist shot JFK from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.  He acted completely alone to kill the President.  Jackie Kennedy, the wife of JFK, was an innocent victim of Oswald's assassination of JFK.  The U.S. Secret Service did everything it could to protect the President.  The CIA and the rest of the U.S. Government was not involved in any way with the assassination.  It was all Oswald and nothing but Oswald.  He was the only bad guy in the JFK assassination but fortunately for the world Jack Ruby got justice by assassinating Oswald.  Killer dead. Case closed.  Abraham Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be set up in the perfect position to capture the moment when JFK was fatally shot in the head. The assassination was a complete surprise and shock to everyone.  Nobody expected it to happen.  Texas Governor John Connally was an innocent victim of one of Oswald's bullets, who was badly injured by it and almost bled out in the Hospital.

Real World official explanation:  

The JFK assassination was a U.S. government/CIA sponsored coup to replace JFK as POTUS with LBJ. The assassin of JFK was his wife, Jackie Kennedy sitting beside him in the back seat of the Limousine. The U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down and allowed the President to be assassinated by his wife. The CIA was heavily involved in the assassination, setting it up and making it possible for Jackie Kennedy to easily assassinate the President without him being able to resist being killed by her. Lee Harvey Oswald was the man chosen to be the patsy in the assassination, to take the blame for what Jackie did. Jack Rubenstein (a Jew) assassinated Oswald so it could not be determined that he was not the actual assassin of the President. Abraham Zapruder (a Jew) was in perfect place to film the head shot by Jackie.  He was purposely there to film it. The assassination was well planned in advance and many people knew it was going to happen. Texas Governor John Connally was a coconspirator in the assassination who feigned being shot to give the false impression that bullets were being fired into the Limousine from outside the Limousine. In actuality Connally was not wounded at all. 

It is time for me to create a new page about the JFK assassination with everything I have learned about it since I created the original page several years ago.  I have learned a lot since I made that page. This new page will show everything I know about it up to now and show links to various other pages. Of all the posts on this Blog, I consider this one exposing Jackie as the assassin of JFK to be the most important. It is my fervent desire that every American citizen knows the truth about the JFK Assassination. Its why I spend so much time and effort to expose it. God has called on me to expose this and so I am doing what I am called to do. Even if few listen to me now, I speak the truth and someday everyone will know the truth. I am just a messenger for the truth who is using the gifts I have been given by God to expose it. 

The Reason JFK was Assassinated

The reason JFK was assassinated is because he was insisting that Israel submit to routine U.S. inspections of its nuclear facility at Dimona and also insisting that Israel not attempt to develop nuclear weapons there.  But Israel was very determined to develop nuclear weapons. A conflict between JFK and Israel arose over this issue in 1963, leading JFK to issue a threat that U.S. aid to Israel would be seriously jeopardized unless Israel submitted to U.S. inspections.  One Israeli Prime Minister resigned so he would not have to answer JFK's letter. Another Israeli Prime Minister stonewalled JFK.  But this led to Israel instigating the plot to assassinate JFK to eliminate him as an obstacle to Israel creating nuclear weapons.

See this link for further details. 

David Ben-Gurion

Former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion shown above ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy over the Dimona Controversy. If any one man can be said to be responsible for the JFK Assassination it is Ben-Gurion. His order to kill Kennedy was passed to the Mossad to carry out. The Mossad passed this order to corrupt contacts within the U.S. to make it a reality. 

U.S. Government Involvement

The U.S. Government was directly involved in assassinating its own President. When you go to the very bottom of the rabbit hole, this is what is there. The U.S. Government helped kill its own President, blamed the assassination on a pre-selected patsy and then covered up the truth afterwards.  This is the biggest reveal of the JFK Assassination. 

Corrupt Government Agencies involved

Corrupt Agencies of the U.S Government were directly involved in the JFK Assassination and the cover up of it.  Listed below are three of these agencies.


The role of the CIA in the JFK assassination was to set it up, to help execute it and then to cover up the truth afterwards. Part of covering up is the selection of a patsy to take the blame for being the assassin, hiding the real assassin.

The U.S. Secret Service

The role of the U.S. Secret Service in the JFK Assassination was to not protect the President from assassination as it was their responsibility to do. Instead the U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down and allowed the President to be assassinated. The U.S. Secret was fully aware of the U.S. Government plan to assassinate the President and they cooperated with it. They have the President's blood on their hands.


The role of the FBI in the JFK Assassination was to silence any witnesses who came forward with any information that was contrary to the U.S. Government's official explanation of the assassination. Silencing means intimidating, coercing, threatening and even murdering witnesses who told a story different from the one the U.S. Government wanted told. 

They were going to kill JFK in Chicago

While the majority of the American public is completely ignorant of it, the original plan was to kill JFK in Chicago instead of Dallas. There was a scheduled campaign visit in Chicago, Illinois on November 2, 1963 but on October 30 the U.S. Secret Service became aware of a plot to assassinate JFK in Chicago. As a result of this threat, the President cancelled his trip to Chicago and decided to go to Dallas instead. See the following links:

Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot

I don't know why more people don't know this since its shown in plain sight on the Zapruder film but Jackie Kennedy did the Head Shot that ended her husband's life.  Jackie had a small but powerful assassination weapon inside the Limousine.  She pressed the muzzle of this weapon underneath the left cheekbone of JFK and fired upward. The projectile that came out of the muzzle of the weapon entered JFK's lower cheek, went up through his head and exited out of a hole on the right side of his head. 

Frame 312:  Jackie about to pull the trigger.

Below is a gif showing the full head shot sequence taken from the stabilized Zapruder film showing Jackie killing her husband in plain sight for everyone to see. You don't need to think about Oswald in the Texas Schoolbook Depository doing the assassination when you can see Jackie doing it with your own eyes inside the Limousine.  Click on the below gif to view it full size.  


Note:  Some people are brainwashed not to see what is shown in plain sight on the Zapurder film.  I was one of those people. For many years I watched the Zapruder film trying to understand it and not once did I have a clue that Jackie was the assassin.  Other people had to point it out to me, what to look for to be able to see it. Even then I had to spend a long time and a lot of effort to be able to see it.  How do I explain this?  I explain it by me being so brainwashed by years of hearing Oswald did it that my mind would literally not let me see what was on this film.  I had to break my own brainwashing before I could see it but now I can see it every single time very easily.  If you cannot see Jackie doing the assassination in the above gif then you are similarly brainwashed not to see what is there. 

Why most people do not see Jackie shoot JFK in the Zapruder film

A quote from George Orwell seems appropriate at this point before I go further down this rabbit hole.  Believe me when I say that quote is applicable to this thread. Others have gone down this rabbit hole before me but never as deeply as I have.  I don't know why it falls upon me to expose this, but since nobody else is I feel a moral obligation to expose what God has allowed me to see. In this thread I am doing God's work by speaking the forbidden truth in a country where the lie is king (and that is the USA).  Will you help me spread this information?

Understanding the Throat Shot

Now that I have explained the Head Shot that was the actual assassination I can explain the throat shot that preceded it.  Some will wonder about the throat shot and ask such questions as: why was there a need to shoot JFK in the throat?  Why not just do the head shot?  Well, it turns out there was a very good reason for the throat shot that is not apparent until the assassination is fully understood. The conspirators in this assassination wanted Jackie Kennedy to be the assassin. To understand why she was chosen and why she agreed to assassinate her husband is a topic of itself but this post is not going to concern itself with that.  In this post it is shown that Jackie was the chosen assassin of JFK.  But for her to be the assassin required preparation of JFK to make it easy for her to assassinate him and this was the entire purpose of the throat shot.

The throat shot was not made by a bullet. Instead it was a small dart (AKA a flanchette) that was coated with a toxin that would very quickly render JFK docile and submissive.  I use those terms because that is the way JFK became very quickly after the throat shot.  He became incapacitated and unable to defend himself from whatever Jackie was about to do to him.  So the purpose of the throat shot was to make JFK unable to defend himself from the head shot which was to be delivered by his wife.

Now, how was this dart (flanchette) delivered to JFK's throat?  It was delivered by means of an assassination weapon designed to look like a common umbrella held in the hands of an agent who was standing very close to the Limousine as it passed in front of the Stemmons freeway sign.  Click on the below image to see the umbrella and note its close proximity to the Limousine. At its closest point it was within 10 feet of the Limousine.

Below is an image of the Umbrella weapon that fired the darts (flanchettes).  This weapon can be aimed very accurately at a target. The agent holding the umbrella aimed it precisely at JFK's throat as the Limousine passed his position and fired it into the front of JFK's throat.

In the below frame taken from the Zapruder film we see JFK holding both of his hands up to his throat where the dart/flanchette has entered.  Note in this image that Jackie is watching her husband very closely as he is in clear distress but she is making no effort to assist him.  Also notice that nobody else either inside the Limousine or outside of it is reacting to what has happened to the President. They are not reacting because this was all planned in advanced and they all know it is going to happen. 

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of the Umbrella Man in the JFK assassination

Every person inside the Limousine except for JFK knew about the assassination in advance

This is one of the first conclusions I reached from watching the Zapruder film after determining that Jackie was the assassin.  Its simple logic that for Jackie to have been the assassin then it is inevitable that everyone inside the Limousine knew about the assassination in advance and so that nobody was surprised by it or reacted to it in any way because they all expected it to happen.  Here is a list of these people inside the Limousine who knew about the assassination before it happened.  All of these people are co-conspirators.

U.S. Secret Service Agent William Greer (the driver of the Limousine)

U.S. Secret Service Agent Roy H. Kellerman:

Texas Governor John F. Connally:

Wife of John Connally, Nellie Connally:

Jackie Kennedy (the assassin)

The role of Texas Governor John Connally in the Assassination

Of the co-conspirators inside the Limouisine, Texas Governor John Connally, pictured above, played a special role in the assassination of JFK.

John Connally's role in the assassination was two fold:

1. He looked back at JFK after the throat shot to make sure he was immobilized before giving Jackie the go ahead to do the assassination.  Connally had been trained (perhaps by the CIA) what to look for and knew when it was safe for Jackie to do the head shot.  What was important is that JFK be unable to defend himself against the head shot so that is what Connally did. He made sure JFK was immobilized enough so that he could not resist Jackie and then he gave Jackie the go ahead to do the head shot.  So Connally was working directly with the assassin.  Connally was not a Jew but he was a known Zionist, obviously a very corrupt evil man. 

2. He feigned being shot to give the false impression that one or more bullets were being fired into the Limousine from outside.  This is where the magic bullet BS comes into play. There was no magic bullet and Connally was not shot at all.  This was pure deception, in which his wife played her part. See below image.

The role of U.S. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

As I have stated, the U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down from protecting President John F. Kennedy and allowed him to be assassinated by his wife.  This is not to say that every member of the U.S. Secret Service in 1963 was guilty of being a co-conspirator, but certainly those Secret Service Agents standing up and riding on a car not far behind the Presidential Limousine when the assassination took place are all co-conspirators.  Of these Secret Service Agents, one of them deserves special mention and that is Clint Hill, pictured above.

Before I go on to explain what Clint Hill did, it is noteworthy that this man was a Jew and was also the U.S. Secret Service Agent personally assigned to Jackie Kennedy.  Understand this before going on in this section.

What Clint Hill did that is shown very clearly in the Zapruder film to all who have eyes to see it (and I am certainly one of those people) is that he retrieved the assassination weapon from the trunk of the Limousine where Jackie threw it.  I have not described that yet but I will show that Jackie threw the weapon immediately after the assassination back onto the trunk of the Limousine.  When Clint Hill became aware of this, he immediately ran up to the back of the Limousine,  retrieved the weapon from the trunk and gave it back to Jackie Kennedy before the Limousine rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital.  So of all the Secret Service Agents in the entourage, Clint Hill is the one with the most  involvement in the assassination. 

See below image of Clint Hill reaching for the weapon on the left rear corner of the trunk of the Limousine. From this I deduce that Clint Hill is left handed, since he is reaching for the weapon with his left hand and not his right. Click on the image to see it larger. 

The role of U.S. Secret Service Agent William Greer

William Greer, pictured above, was the driver of the Presidential Limousine. Like Clint Hill, he deserves special mention because of his role in the assassination.  What William Greer did was to drive the Presidential Limousine to a predesignated spot and stop it.  Although the Jews have gone to great lengths to conceal this, the Presidential Limousine had come to a complete stop while the assassination took place. It did not just slow as some have contended but it was stopped completely.  

As one piece of evidence of this, below is a frame from the Zapruder film showing two CIA agents standing in front of the stopped Limousine photographing Jackie doing the assassination.  I'll bet you have never seen this image before. Its all in plain sight on the Zapruder film. I am here to open your eyes to what is shown on that film.

In the above image it is worth noting that Texas Governor John Connally and his wife are both hunkered down in the Limousine as if they are being shot at from outside the Limousine but these two CIA agents are just standing there photographing the assassination with no fear of being shot at all.  This image is the smoking gun from the Zapruder film showing the deception and that everyone in the Limousine except for JFK was complicit in the assassination. Now your eyes are open unless you have purposely shut them.

The Blood Pattern on JFK's shirt shows wound was on the left side

The blood pattern on JFK's shirt is evidence that the entry wound of the head shot is on the left side of his body, where Jackie fired the weapon held up underneath his left cheekbone.  

The Head Shot Bullet Trajectory

As is clearly seen in the Zapruder film, the bullet trajectory is upward and at an angle.  Frame 314 of the Zapruder film shows this best.  Click on the above image to see it.

In frame 314, the projectile is circled in red. Click on the above image to see it more clearly.

Another image of frame 314 with the projectile path shown in red.  Click on the above image to see it more clearly. If you follow the path from the projectile back to its source you will clearly see that it leads directly back to Jackie's hidden hand which holds the weapon she used to murder JFK. 

Evidence of Smoke inside the Limousine

As anyone knows smoke from a fired weapon will be generated in the immediate vicinity of where the weapon is fired, so if smoke is seen inside the Limousine it means the weapon that was fired was also inside the Limousine. Frame 315 shows the smoke the best. Click on two above images. 

How did Jackie get the assassination weapon?

As an honest investigator of this assassination, one question I still have is how did Jackie get the assassination weapon she used to assassinate JFK?  Three possibilities come to mind.

1. The weapon was passed to her concealed inside of some other object such as the red bouquet of flowers, the lambchop puppet or some other object.

2. Jackie had the weapon with her concealed on her person.  Did she have a purse inside the Limousine that it was inside?  Was it small enough to be concealed in her clothing?

3. The assassination weapon was already inside the Limousine and waiting for her to use it. This is the most logical explanation to me.  That the weapon was already inside the Limousine just waiting for her to grab it at the predesignated moment. Because everyone else in the Limousine (except JFK) was complicit and the Secret Service was complicit it would be very easy to hide the weapon in the Limousine in advance.  It only had to be concealed from JFK himself and that would be very easy to do.

Jackie threw the murder weapon back onto the trunk of the Limousine

Immediately after the assassination Jackie threw the assassination weapon behind her where it landed on the left rear corner of the trunk of the Limousine. Now I have analyzed this very carefully and determined that she was not supposed to do this.  Why she did it is a mystery but we can thank God that she did it because her action helped to unravel the entire deception. Her doing it forced her to have to climb onto the trunk to attempt to retrieve it herself and also caused her Secret Service Agent (Clint Hill) to run up to retrieve it and hand it back to her.  Also, her throwing the weapon caused the conspirators to alter the Zapruder film in a very clumsy attempt to hide the weapon which I saw right through.  So Jackie did the world a favor by throwing the weapon so that everyone honest knows that she did it and not just her but the entire U.S. Government is complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 

But had Jackie not thrown the weapon but just kept it with her then it would have been much more difficult to expose this.  God works in mysterious ways to help expose the evil in our midst.

See the following links for more information:

Questions about the JFK Assassination

Please see the following links for some basic Questions and Answers concerning the JFK Assassination:

Who are the people standing around the Limousine watching the head shot?

I have never commented much about this before but if you notice by watching the Zapruder film there are people standing around the Limousine watching Jackie do the head shot.  Who are these people?  Well, two of them were CIA agents filming the assassination as I showed earlier but as for the others, these were not honest innocent people.  All these people knew in advance that the assassination was going to happen and they were there to witness it.  So who exactly were they?  I have talked about Sayanim on this Blog before such as in this post.  It is my opinion that these are Sayanim, who are Jews that are called upon to assist whenever they are needed. Others may have been Mossad or CIA agents.  But whoever they were, they were NOT honest innocent civilians.  Any honest innocent civilians were not around the Limousine when Jackie did the head shot, you can be certain of that.  Any honest innocent civilian who witnessed Jackie doing the head shot would have been murdered. Absolutely.

Disinformation campaigns started by the Jews

There have been multiple disinformation campaigns started by the Jews to attempt to hide what is clearly shown in the Zapruder film.  I note these in the order I became aware of them.

Disinformation campaign 1: The Zapruder film has been altered not to show what really happened. This campaign says that the Zapruder film has been so altered or corrupted from its original form that nothing reliable can be determined from it but this is simply disinformation to discredit the only piece of real evidence we have about the JFK Assassination.  Although the Zapruder film has undoubtedly been altered by removing frames at various points, it is still an extremely important piece of evidence that shows that Jackie was the assassin of her husband for anyone with eyes to see.

Disinformation campaign 2: The Driver did it.  A disinformation campaign has been created by the Snakes around the Driver of the Limousine, U.S. Secret Service Agent William Greer.  "The Driver did it" is a Conspiracy Theory that the Snakes use to discredit anyone who says they see Jackie killing JFK in the Zapruder film.  William Greer was not an innocent man in the JFK assassination.  He knew the assassination was going to happen and he stopped the Limousine at a predesignated spot where Jackie did the assassination and Abraham Zapruder filmed it but the driver did not shoot JFK.  Many Shills have come forward to promote "the driver did it", including Bill Cooper. Bill Cooper was a controlled opposition disinformation agent.  All who still believe Bill Cooper was honest can let go of that illusion.

Disinformation campaign 3: The assassination was a hoax and JFK did not really die.  Of course this a lie but the Jewish Snake will use any lie to deceive.  The controlled opposition disinformation agent Miles Mathis pushes this lie.  Unfortunately, most of the "truthers" are sent to us like Trojan Horses from the Jewish Snake.  When someone claims to be a truther you should definitely look that gift horse in the mouth because the majority of them are shills. 

JFK Assassination Related Deaths

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  1. don't do much commenting. don't know the mechanisms. can't even successfully enter my blog url in the comment as space.
    i do know a lot about the murder of jfk as i was in geometry class when the announcement came over the pa system. i do not support the idea of jackie having any involvement up to the limo rushing off to the er. i've been reading and watching video about it ever since. i've come down to the cia and the mosad with possible reinforcement from the mob.

    1. Jackie 100% is the assassin. I don't know why you can't see what the Zapruder film shows. I've done the best I know how to do to expose the truth so my conscience is clear. God knows I've done my best to expose this but I'm still trying.

    2. I have a question, it doesn’t so much pertain to the JFK shooting, why is your name on this written as “ no longer a Trump supporter “? That makes me very uncomfortable.

  2. Remember Jean Hill? Wrote a book about how she'd been there on the road in Dealey Plaza getting really close to the motorcade. Her thing was her struggle to point out the shot(s) seemed to be from the grassy knoll. So was she just a disinformation agent all along (i.e., explaining how/why she was allowed to get close to the motorcade during the hit like that)?

    1. As I said, nobody honest would be allowed to get close enough to the motorcade to witness Jackie doing the head shot. In a government sponsored assassination like this of course there are many disinformation agents telling what story the conspirators want told to the public. You cannot trust alleged witnesses to be truthful, no matter how convincing they may be. It'd their job as disinformation agents to be convincing.

  3. And Trump have decreed to release the files on JFK & RFK + MLK, And Guess who is not happy?
    Jack Schlossberg, grandson of Jackie the husband murderess.

    Of the accursed bloodline of Jackie, there are now 3 grandchildren left, Rose, who wants to live lesbian, have no children. Jack who is 32, unmarried and no children, and then Tatiana suddenly got a child in 22.

    1. Here is the news with his statements, at end, after RobertKs

    2. And you actually believe that Donald is going to do this? Trump never wants the truth to be known. The truth points back to Israel, his "lover".

    3. Oh, such classified papers come out with thick ink stripes covering so much. I expect them to come out with some papers but not anything incriminating. And reading 1400 or 14000 pages is a JOB. Not many want to and most cant afford give it time.

  4. "As I have stated, the U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down from protecting President John F. Kennedy and allowed him to be assassinated by his wife."

    Ironically under his own orders, apparently. It's been said that Kennedy rejected additional Secret Service backup at the last minute. Is that disinfo, as well?

    1. It has been stated that JFK told the US Secret Service Agents riding on the Limousine to get away from the Limousine so the people could see him. This may be true or that may be disinformation. But in any case the US Secret Service was compromised to allow JFK to be assassinated by his wife.

  5. I have been reading about the case and found out lots. But my finds are too long to be accepted. And its 10 pages by word document. Whats the max for a post? I could break it up or maybe i could post it as a document ?

  6. I have seen where the video showed Jackie doing the shooting... but I hope you know about the Mandela Effect too. That limo only had 4 seats, if you go to the picture of the limo in a museum, it only has 4 seats. The governor was seated in the front next to the driver and JFK and Jackie were in the back seat. Do some research on the Mandela Effect... there are lots of things that are not right in this world. Many Bible changes too. I do believe that Jackie was an MK slave and that she was working closely with the Jesuits.

    1. There is no such thing as Mandela effect. Reality does not change after the fact. There is one version of reality. The entire concept of Mandela Effect is Jewish disinformation.

  7. I lean towards this being a staged event. I could see her helping with a hoax, but murdering the president in broad daylight? Doesn't fly for me...
