Thursday, May 5, 2022

Why most people do not see Jackie shoot JFK in the Zapruder film

I think it important to explain why most people do not see Jackie shoot JFK in the Zapruder film.  As someone who has gone from not being able to see it at all (FOR YEARS!) to being able to see it perfectly, I am in a unique position to explain this based upon my own first hand experience.  Its really very simple.  The human brain has a built in filtering mechanism where it pays attention to the information it believes is significant and disregards anything it regards as unimportant or insignificant.  If Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK in the back of the head from the School Book Depository then Jackie sitting beside her husband as he got shot from a distance would be insignificant and that is the key to understanding this.  After hearing Oswald shot Kennedy enough times and believing, Jackie Kennedy has no significance other than being a victim to most people.  Why would anyone care what she did inside the Limo if Oswald killed Kennedy?  But if I tell you that Jackie shot JFK and showed her doing it (see below GIF) then regardless of any brainwashing, you should be able to see a woman shooting a man in the head. Forget its Jackie and JFK in the GIF.  Just see clearly a woman shooting a man in the head. If you can't its because you don't want to see it.  It is in the interest of Truth and Justice that you see it and also tell others what you have seen.  If you see the Truth, you have a responsibility to spread it, just as I am doing.  Do not hide the candle under your bed but show it from the highest mountain top.  God wills it.

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