Monday, May 23, 2022

For those who have taken a "Covid 19 Vaccine"

I am sorry you were so deceived but there is nothing to be done to help you now.  A time is coming when all who have taken it will deeply regret it, especially women who expect to have children. Say goodbye to your God given immune system because the evil Jews have stolen that from you. The Jews are NOT your friends.


Why do I say this?  I say this because I see the treacherous Jewish hand behind the Plandemic and I know in my heart that whatever the Jews have planned is not going to be good for non Jewish people.  Its going to kill, its going to make infertile, its going to devastate even worse than what has been seen so far.  As I said, Jews plan for the future many years in advance and everything they do has a specific purpose that benefits THEM and that disadvantages non Jews.  

This huge world wide PSYOP called the Plandemic was not done just on a whim but it fits into the Jewish Master Plan.  Any non Jew who has taken one of these "vaccines" is going to discover at some point the real effects of that on them.  Trusting Jews with your life is a VERY BAD decision that no non Jew should ever do.


  1. I don't understand how the Jewish elite is so bad if they are human beings like us

    1. The most evil Tyrants in the world such as Josef Stalin and Pol Pot who were personally responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people were also human beings but they were not like us. Likewise, the Jewish Elite are human beings but not like us.
