Corrupt Proxies come in two distinct flavors, Jewish and non Jewish.
Jewish Corrupt Proxies are Jews who serve the Jewish oligarchy because they are loyal to it and believe in what it is doing. These people do not have to be bribed.
Non Jewish Corrupt Proxies are non Jews who serve the Jewish oligarchy for the personal rewards they get for doing so. What types of Rewards am I speaking of? I have seen four categories of Rewards so far:
Rewards for selling your Soul to the Jews:
Power: Political power. Power over industry. Power over business. Those who are ambitious and seek political and other power are likely in bed with the Jews because it serves their own ambitions.
Money: Since Jews own the world money supply and are great hoarders of precious minerals such as Gold, they are in a position to reward their minions very well financially. Jews have unlimited wealth at their disposal to bribe corrupt people to serve them.
Fame: Do you want to be famous? If so, it pays to be in bed with the Jews, especially since the Jews run Hollywood, the music industry, etc. Many Hollywood actors and actresses and musicians are in bed with the Jews and do what the Jews want to keep their fame alive. Do you need examples?
Sexual Favors. This is a big one. These Jews I speak of are the kings of corruption and are able to provide any type of sexual favors to their minions to keep their minions happily serving them. Jews can provide males for adult homosexual minions, females for adult heterosexual minions or children of either sex to pedophile minions.
An easy way to identify Non Jewish Corrupt Proxies
When you see a NON JEW heavily involved in Jewish things, ESPECIALLY if that person is in a leadership position then you know you are looking at a CORRUPT PROXY. Here are some prominent examples of NON JEWS who are heavily involved with Jewish things who are or who have been in leadership positions. Everyone on this list is a CORRUPT PROXY who sold his Soul to the Jews but this is just the tip of the iceberg. This list could be many thousands of pages.
One of his Rewards for being a loyal minion to the Jews. This is no Lie.
George W. Bush, CORRUPT PROXY (AKA Talmud George)
One of his Rewards for being a Corrupt minion to the Jews. This is no Lie.
More to Come
How to overcome the emotional attachment which their Jews or Jewish minions? Everything we consume, use or depend on is from them. For example, you use Windows of Bill Gates (who is a Jew or Jewish minion). If you use Android smartphones, they run on Android OS which is a Google product (the two founders of google are Jews). You watch amazing Hollywood movies and become fans of these movies, but the actors or the directors who you love or admire are very likely to be Jewish minions. You listen to The Beatles, again, they are Jewish minions. How can we hate the evil side when we love them or their products and depend on them to live? Therefore, should we accept that evil is normal in this world and let things go on? Is it true that the eviler you are, the more successful you become? (Of course not all successful people are evil, many of them are good and honest)