Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why Most People are Blind


The Blindness I speak of is the inability of most people to see the Lies and Corruption of the society in which they live.  Most people are blind because of Trust. They Trust they are not being lied to by a lying Jewish Establishment that has conditioned them from Birth to trust it.  The people of any country are brainwashed and otherwise conditioned to be blind by the people who run the country. They are conditioned never to even see, much less do anything about, the obvious corruption all around them every day. This is what the Jews are counting on so that Jews will have no resistance WHATSOEVER to their plans for world domination and conquest.

To open their eyes people have to LOSE THEIR TRUST for society. For most people this is a HUGE step to take and a very difficult one.  It was for me.  Had not the Jewish Establishment exposed itself by 9-11 I would still be Blind.  Something has to cause an epiphany in the individual to make them at least question the society in which they live. That epiphany has to come from within. It cannot be told from without.  Here is what Morpheus said about it and he is right.

This is the biggest obstacle to waking up the Blue Pilled. They cannot be told the truth from without and accept it because the truth is so radically different from what they have been conditioned to believe.  They have to see the truth from within.  This takes effort.  This takes desire. This takes having the time and lack of distraction to be able to do so.  Its the rare person who by their own effort and desire pulls themselves out of the Matrix.  I Thank God that God gave me the ability to do so but the time and effort was mine. There is no short cut to waking up.  There is no Easy Button.  It takes an enormous amount of work. 

Most people will never wake up. They will spend their entire life blind and deceived and die that way.  That is very sad but very true.  Only those who really want to know the truth will find the truth.  People like me can help but we can never do the real work that the individual must do to remove their own brainwashing. 

But I am telling you to wake up and look around with new eyes to see what is there.  This Blog is your red pill if you are ready to take it.  Welcome to the world of the Real.  Its not the world that you or I expected or want but it is reality that can only be denied by the blind.  Even if you do not want to see it, its always better to see what is.  

The Jews are counting on you staying blind and stupid for the rest of your life.  I on the other hand am asking you to see what is really there.  There is great power in knowing the truth.  The Truth will set you free from the Matrix.  I hope you are able to free yourself from the Jewish Matrix.

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