Tuesday, May 24, 2022

An Attack on my credibility

A commenter made a recent attack on my credibility in a way that I have not ever seen made on this Blog.  I saw such attacks made upon me when I was a commenter on Youtube several times but never on this Blog.  The type of attack was a personal attack upon my Ego but I have no Ego to defend.  Everything I say on this Blog is based on the truth (which is independent of me entirely) and I am not afraid to debate what I say with anyone, whether they be skeptics or whether they be Jews.  I say that because this type of tactic I have seen before.  It goes something like this.

A commenter asked a loaded question of me.  The question was not honest to begin with but it was asked in order to get me to say something which the commenter then attacked.  The commenter pretended to be neutral but they were always skeptical.  The supposed neutral innocent question was just a precursor to the condemnation that was going to come no matter what I said.

This is a Jewish tactic to discredit but I have no evidence that the commenter is a Jew.  But regardless of who he or she is (or what country they live in), I want to honesty address the points at hand.  I am not afraid to discuss it.  In fact, I welcome the discussion of it because it will allow me to reveal more about the JFK Assassination and other Jewish operations.  Questions like this actually help to make my point better.

Here is the question originally posed by this commenter who later attacked me:

Question:  Texas Governor John Connally suffered very much in the JFK Assassination to be an accomplice of Jackie.  Are you sure he was an accomplice?

Notice some things about this question.  First the questioner understands what I said about Jackie being the assassin and appears to be willing to accept it.  They appear to only have a question about John Connally's role in the assassination.  This is the way I perceived the question.  I did not suspect that the questioner had a hidden motive in asking this question to use it to attack everything I have said about the JFK Assassination bur I now see that as the case.  Although the questioner appears to only question John Connally's role, in reality he or she is attacking everything I have said about the JFK assassination, which will become apparent later on.  This is what I refer to as a backdoor attack.  

Here is the response I made to that question, which was later attacked by the same questioner.

And here is the comment that was made on that post by the original questioner:

Thanks. It all makes sense now...docs & nurses etc., acting too... Much appreciated. Don't give up. You are brilliant.

So you see from that highly cynical response that the original questioner was not honest in asking that question.  While feigning to believe parts of what I have said concerning the JFK Assassination and only questioning John Connally's role, this questioner obviously rejects everything I have said concerning the JFK Assassination on this Blog.  Do you see that?  Again, this is a Jewish tactic I have seen before so it does not surprise me.  

Before I continue let me say that I would rather have what I say about the JFK Assassination be attacked and ridiculed than ignored.  I can answer attacks like this directly and use this to further explain my case. 

Another point I want to make is this:  What happened during the 1963 JFK Assassination does not involve me at all.  I have no connection to that case other than being a careful observer of the Abraham Zapruder film.  Everything I have said concerning the JFK Assassination is a result of what I have personally seen in the Zapruder film.  I trust my senses and I trust my insight to interpret that film correctly.  I say that the Truth about the JFK Assassination is hidden in plain sight on that film but most people have been brainwashed not to even see it.  For the majority of my life I could not see it but at some point I could see it and everything I have said about the JFK Assassination results from that.  This includes Jackie killing JFK and this includes John Connally being part of the assassination plot against the President.  

Another point:  From that broadside attack, its obvious the questioner rejects everything I have said about the JFK Assassination but they did not ridicule what I said about Jackie killing JFK.  They did not ridicule what I said about Israel being behind the assassination over the 1963 Dimona Ultimatum.  No, they only questioned the minor role of John Connally as a way to derail my entire position.  This is why I refer to this as a backdoor attack.  While attacking only a minor point of what I said, in reality its attacking everything I have said about the JFK Assassination. This commenter's entire purpose for asking the question is to discredit me and to make anyone else who reads this Blog question what I have said also.  Again, this is the Jewish M.O. to be used against anyone who exposes Jews and Israel in any way.  Its an aspect of Dynamic Silence. Yes, I know about that from listening to a Jewish Rabbi describe it.   I am a non Jew who knows how the Jews operate.

Now let me address the comment, which is really saying this translated:  Texas Governor John Connally could not have been feigning his wound(s) because the doctors and nurses at the hospital were honest and would not be part of that.  And this allows me to explain some things to clear up any confusion in anyone's mind about this.

The JFK Assassination was a MASSIVE conspiracy involving MANY people. including:

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency

The U.S. Secret Service

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Dallas Police Department


John Connally

The Mossad

Leaders of Israel who were determined to develop nuclear weapons

select members of organized crime

Senator Arlen Spector

and others I have not yet identified.

In such a conspiracy it would be extremely easy for John Connally to feign his wound(s) and get away with it.  John Connally and his wife in the below carefully staged photo are just actors to give the false illusion that Oswald killed JFK and accidently shot Connally too.  Its not true, as so many other things in the Jewish controlled world are not true.  I hope you are intelligent enough to see that.  Both of the people shown in the below image are co conspirators in the Assassination who were sitting in the Limousine when Jackie killed her husband.  These people are scumbags because they helped to kill JFK.  These people have sold their souls to the Jews, like so many others today.  


  1. Sorry. Some confusion. I agreed & just thanked you. Poss mixed.. 2 replies

    1. If I misinterpreted I apologize to the OP but in any case this type of attack has been made against me by Jews so it is illustrative of the way Jews attempt to undermine legitimate truthers with personal attacks.
