Friday, May 20, 2022

Another Question about the Boston Marathon Bombing

I have received another question about the Boston Marathon Bombing that I want to create this post around, which is this:

What possibly was the goal of this PSYOP?  What agenda did the fake bombing serve?

Before I attempt to answer this, I just want to say up front that I can only say what has been shown to me from the inside about anything.  Others may see it differently but this is what I see.

The Jewish powers that be that run the U.S. Government behind the veil benefit from keeping American citizens terrorized and afraid.  Peace and harmony does not benefit the Jews in their control of non Jews.  Keeping non Jews afraid, anxious, uncertain, confused and needing Big Brother to rescue them from "the bad guys" (when in reality the "bad guys" are controlled by the Jews) serves Jewish interests for world domination and control.  It serves the Jewish Master Plan that non Jews be kept afraid, so this is why events such as the Boston Bombing, 9-11, many of the school and theater shootings, the Las Vegas Shooting, etc. happen routinely.  To understand the big picture of these things you have to understand the Jewish mind.  Reading the Talmud might help one gain an understanding of the fiendish Jewish mind when it comes to how to treat non Jews.  That racist hate filled document is like a guide to the Jews and they treat it very seriously.  The Talmud is their so called Holy Book but if an intelligent non Jew reads it he sees it for what it is: Pure Hate and Contempt for non Jews.  When Jews complain about Hate Speech against them they are the biggest Hypocrites in the world and they know it.  There is no greater Hate Speech than the Jewish Talmud.

Remember what I said earlier about the world being run according to Jewish script.  Jews always plan for the future in terms of the deceptions they will use against non Jews and the Boston Bombing was one of those events as was 9-11 and all the other events I have discussed.  The Plandemic is also part of this.  Right now Jews know about things that will happen in the future because Jews are going to make those things happen.  Once you realize what is happening then its no longer a mystery what happens or why.  Its all happening according to some diabolical Jewish plan.  

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