Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Reagan Assassination Attempt

What was President Ronald Reagan doing (or trying to do) that brought the assassination attempt against him?  Although I may not know the answer to this question yet, I believe something that Reagan was doing caused the attempt on his life just as something JFK was doing caused his assassination.  I have no doubt that Jews (hiding behind ten layers of minions) were behind this assassination attempt but what happened?  Something in me says it involves U.S. military involvement in Lebanon, which angered the Jews.  The 1982 attack on the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon was a Jewish attack that caused a sudden change of U.S. Policy in Lebanon.  This is all related.  Few appear to have even scratched the surface of the attack on the U.S. Marines because that might expose Israeli involvement, so all you get is crickets about this subject now.   All those people who say they care about the Marines should have been outraged enough about this to investigate it but no.  Just as with the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, the entire topic is met with silence by the Jewish establishment and the people are like rats letting the Jewish pied piper telling them what is important or not.  What can I possibly do to wake people up? Why does God allow the deceitful Jews to rule this world?    

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