Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Matrix

I have made a considerable effort on my Blogs to show you what the Matrix is and how the world really works.  Here is another way of saying it.  

All geopolitical events do not happen out of the blue organically. Despite what the clueless are led to believe by a lying deceptive JEWISH main stream media, everything we have experienced in our lifetime s has been all well thought out and pre-planned orchestrated by design.  This includes but is not limited to this short list:

The JFK Assassination (Jackie killed JFK for Israel over the 1963 Dimona Ultimatum)

The Apollo Moon Landings (A JEWISH PSYOP that never happened)

Sandy Hook (A JEWISH PSYOP that never happened)  (Noah Pozner - LMFAO)

Most or ALL of the other alleged school shootings (JEWISH PSYOPs that never happened)

Boston Bombing (JEWISH PSYOP)

9-11 (giant coordinated JEWSH PSYOP, not an attack on America of any kind)

ISIS (Jew created and controlled fake terrorist group)

The Plandemic (JEWISH PSYOP, Depopulation tool, way for the Jews to buy a lot of property cheap, etc.)

etc. etc. etc.

All World Wrestling Entertainment Kabuki theater shit show to keep the masses distracted, entertained, fighting against each other, and controlled.

Put another way, I call it living in a Jewish simulated created clown world of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, psychological operations, lies, propaganda....where they use religion-politics-race to control majority of people.

As someone who has buried himself in all the details of all these deceptions, I really have to step back to see the forest for all the trees to make these statements.  At some point the thinking rational person who is no longer deceived (that is me and I hope it is you) comes to see the true reality on planet earth in all its ugliness.  The world most people see is an illusion meant to deceive them.  The world I see behind that illusion is corrupt to the core because the Jews who run it are corrupt to the core.  It does not take a rocket scientist to see this. 

Of course you know that ALL the American Presidents after JFK were in bed with the Jews.  JFK was the last real President of America and with his assassination America has been under the firm control of Jews ever since.  This is why the world in 2022 is FUBAR.  Is the situation completely hopeless or is there a Savior waiting in the wings to purge all the massive corruption?  John Conner, where are you when we need you most?

Related Posts

The Simulation Described, Part one

Third Party Links about the Jewish Matrix

Following are third party links about the Jewish Matrix.  Of course they don't call it the Jewish Matrix like I do.  It seems very few people are brave enough to name the Jew in the politically correct world we live in.  But although they probably do not mention the word "Jew" once, trust me that we are talking about the same thing.


  1. Bro, I love watching WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) but how the hell it is part of the Jewish plan?
    WWE is pretty much irrelevant in my opinion. Or do you mention WWE figuratively to mean something else?

    1. Of course I used that in a symbolic way to illustrate the point I am trying to make and not in a literal sense. Are you so confused that you cannot see that?

  2. Bro, why is Boston Bombing "Psyop" when there are real deaths? Do you mean it was a false flag?

  3. How do you know that there were real deaths? Of course the Jewish MSM gave the impression of real deaths but how do you know that what you see is legitimate and not fake? As I said before, if ANY part of a picture is discovered to be fake then the entire picture is fake, even those parts that do not appear to be faked. I will be making a post on this to help clear up that for you.

    1. For some unknown reason, I cannot comment on your newest post about the Boston Bombing, so I will write it here. The most important question is: what is possibly the goal of this Psyop? What agenda does the fake bombing serve?

    2. Jews always have one or more specific purposes for their deceptions. Even if we non Jews don't know what those purposes are, they are there. I have looked into the Boston Bombing much less than some other deceptions bit it is fake. I cannot tell you why they did it.
