Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Shirt that Shows Jackie Shot JFK


Shown above are front and back images of the shirt that President John F. Kennedy was wearing on the day he was assassinated.  As you can clearly see from these images, virtually all of the blood on the shirt is on the left side; almost none is on the right side.  Please visually inspect these images and verify that what I have said is true and that I am not just making this up.

This is evidence that could be used in a court of law (if there were a court of law that was not owned by corrupt Jews and their minions) that the shot that killed JFK was on the left side of his body.  Please note that the huge gaping wound shown in the Zapruder film is on the right side of his body,  so it did not cause these blood stains on the left side of his shirt.  All this blood on the left side of the shirt shows that the shot came from the left side of his head, as I have been describing on this blog for any honest person willing to listen to me.  The bullet did not come from any direction but the left, and it was fired at point blank range.  This is evidence to prove what I say, which is that Jackie Kennedy, the President's wife, held a small but powerful assassination weapon (possibly one designed specifically for the JFK Assassination) beneath JFK's left cheekbone and aimed up and at angle and fired.  The blood from that wound dripped down all over JFK's shirt on the left side of his body.  

Please see the following links for more Details:

JFK Assassination:  Sequence of Events

Common Questions about the JFK Assassination


  1. I heard this theory years ago and the evidence that you been showing is really hard to deny and there are ppl who know what really happened and they also have blood on their hands.. keep posting !!!
