Saturday, April 16, 2022

Time to Stop Using DuckDuckGo

Google Lite: DuckDuckGo Announces Purge of Independent Media – “Only MSM Allowed”

Sad but not surprising in a Jew controlled world. I have been using DuckDuckGo as my primary search engine since abandoning the Google Search engine but now I must abandon DuckDuckGo too.  Is there any internet search engine not controlled by censoring Jews?  If anyone knows of a good search engine that does not censor, please leave a comment in the links.  I will do my own research for a new search engine and post the results here.  

IMO Jews have a monopoly of the clearnet search engines, so virtually every clearnet search engine is going to censor and the search results will be those that Jews want you to know about and follow.  Search results showing the non Jewish truth will appear at the very last if at all in these search engines.  Of course you can use the Darknet search engines but those likely will not even search the clearnet.  This is the problem with Jews controlling the media and the internet.  Non Jewish truth is either completely ignored or censored by the Jews.  One aspect of the Jewish problem.  

Best Uncensored Search Engines for Anonymous Searching

I found the following link which gives a number of uncensored search engines, all of which appear to give darknet results only.  I want to find an uncensored search engine that gives clearnet results if such a search engine exists.  Jewish censorship is everywhere and all internet research to discover the truth (about anything) is impeded by it..  You have to make a lot of effort to get around this censorship.  

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