Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Lies Expose the Truth

Lies Expose the Truth

That was the title of one of the threads at the WebSleuths forum that I saw before Tricia, the Gatekeeper Administrator of that forum permanently banned my account there for spreading Anti-Establishment truth on her forum.  Although Tricia herself is a completely dishonest person who administers her forums so she can control the information that gets posted there, there are many good honest people on the WebSleuths forum who do care about the truth and are willing to follow it wherever it leads.  Such is the person who created the thread called "Lies expose the Truth" and indeed they do.  I have said the same thing in different words on various posts in this Blog.  In this post I want to talk about some lies that have been told and the truth that they expose.

I consider John Ramsey to be a Pathological liar of the worst kind.  Since the death of his daughter this man has told every lie he possibly can to cover up the truth.  The book he co wrote with Patsy called "Death of Innocence" is full of lies from the top to the bottom.  That entire book is a lie factory but in this post I want to examine some of the lies told by John Ramsey and the truth that they expose.  The truth is not always easy to see.  It is usually buried underneath a mountain of lies and red herrings and only the most perceptive of people who have connected all the right dots will be able to see it.  Today I saw something clearly for the first time about this case.  It is a truth that is hidden in plain sight but I have been unable to see it as clearly as I did today despite years of looking at this case from every possible angle to try to determine what the truth is.

In this post I want to talk about the lies John Ramsey told about Fleet White Jr. and Priscilla White and also about Fleet White's father.  First I will document the lies that John Ramsey told then I will dissect them to see what hidden truths they expose.

In "Death of Innocence", John Ramsey said that he and Patsy first met Fleet White Jr and his wife Priscilla in 1994 where the Whites were living in a small rental house.  They quickly became the best of friends and did a lot of social activities together such as skiing together in Aspen, Colorado.  Although John Ramsey had money, Fleet and Priscilla were poor and John Ramsey had to foot the bill for all the expensive travelling and social activities they did together.  John said as far as he knew, Fleet's father might have owned a gas station in California but that's it.  So according to John Ramsey, the Whites don't have any money and Fleet White Sr. just owns a gas station in California and is not rich by any means.  

Those are the lies that have been told and they are obvious lies for anyone who has done any research at all into the history of Fleet White Jr and Fleet White Sr as I have done extensively on this Blog.  Let me document the lies one by one and then correct them with the truth.

Lie Number 1:  John and Patsy Ramsey first met Fleet White Jr and Priscilla White in 1994. It is my contention that John and Patsy knew Fleet and Priscilla White far earlier than 1994 in Boulder Colorado.  I contend that Fleet White Jr. was a good friend of John Ramsey before 1980 and that Fleet White Jr. was invited to the wedding of John and Patsy on November 5, 1980 in Atlanta Georgia.  

Lie Number 2:  Fleet White Jr and Priscilla White were just some poor anonymous couple living in a small rental house in 1994 in Boulder Colorado.  In fact Fleet White Jr and Priscilla were neither poor nor anonymous. Fleet White Jr. was the son of a wealthy oil magnate from California who was a partner in his father's oil company, Fleet Oil Company.  Priscilla White was the daughter of the chairman of the board of Century Financial Corp. and immediate past president of the USC Alumni Assn.  Fleet and Priscilla White were children of wealthy families whose parents held leadership roles in big important companies.  Neither of them was poor nor was either of them anonymous.  Fleet Oil Company was expanding its operations from Southern California into Colorado in the early 1990's and Fleet White Jr. was in Colorado to oversee and manage the expansion as a partner of his father's company.  He was an oil magnate himself in Colorado just as his father was in California.  There is no way that either of them would be living in a small rental house in Boulder in 1994 as John Ramsey says in "Death of Innocence".  Instead they would be living in a big home and even a mansion because of the wealth of Fleet White's father and Fleet Oil company in Boulder, Colorado.  So this is a direct lie by John Ramsey to conceal the truth about the circumstances and financial means of Fleet Jr. and Priscilla.  Later in this post I will describe why John Ramsey is lying about this. 

Lie Number 3: Fleet and Priscilla were poor and John Ramsey had to foot the bill for the expensive travelling and social activities they did together, such as skiing together in Aspen Colorado in the below image:

Fleet White Jr and Priscilla White were anything but poor and unable to pay their own way in these social activities.  In fact, Fleet and Priscilla were wealthy socialites similar to Fleet White Sr and Nyla White.  Fleet White Jr. knew how to ski because his parents owned a Chalet in Aspen Colorado since 1964 and took frequent trips there.  Every year they held a big New Years eve party in Aspen, Colorado.  Activities such as skiing and sailing had been a part of the White family for a long time and in fact was a family tradition.  Again, John Ramsey is telling a complete lie about the Whites to portray them as poor nobodies when in reality they were rich somebodies who were the children of rich somebodies.  

Lie Number 4: John said as far as he knew, Fleet's father might have owned a gas station in California but that's it.  In fact, Fleet White Sr. owned a very successful oil and gas company called Fleet Oil Company in California that branched out into Colorado in the early 1990's.  John Ramsey was not ignorant of this fact because of his long association with Fleet White Jr.  Again, John Ramsey is telling a huge lie to hide who both Fleet White Jr. and Fleet White Sr. are.  He is part of a purposeful cover up of the truth.  

John Ramsey's lies particularly pertain to Fleet White Jr.  To summarize the lies told by John Ramsey about Fleet White Jr., they are this:  Fleet White Jr. was poor.  Fleet White Jr. lived in a small rental house.  Fleet White Jr. was unemployed or underemployed.  Fleet White Jr. was an insignificant nobody in Boulder, Colorado.  His father is unsuccessful too in California.  Neither of them are wealthy or successful. 

Why is John Ramsey telling such huge obvious lies about his long time friend Fleet White Jr.?  The answer directly concerns the death of his daughter of which Fleet White Jr. and Fleet White Jr's family and Fleet White Jr's Home in Boulder, CO. play a very significant role.

Remember the lie told by John Ramsey that Fleet and Priscilla White were so poor that they were living in a small rental house in Boulder in 1994?  Now consider the home that we are told that Fleet and Priscilla White were living in at the time of the murder.  Although I cannot find it now, I once saw a picture of Fleet and Priscialla White photographed walking outside this home. It is just an average sized suburban type home that was much smaller than the home owned by John and Patsy Ramsey in 1996.  Just as in the case of the small rental house, this home is not the type of home that would be lived in by a rich family who themselves were children from rich families.  Although the official story says that this is the home the Whites lived in on Christmas 1996, I contend that this may be a lie and part of the cover up. 

This is not the home that a wealthy family like the Whites would live in.  Instead they would live in a much larger home that was as large or even larger and more expensive than the home the Ramsey's lived in.  The Ramsey's home was large and although some people describe it as a mansion, it really was not.  I have seen mansions and the Ramsey home was no mansion.  But the home that Fleet and Priscilla White really lived in may well have been a mansion because Fleet White's parents were very wealthy international socialites and Fleet White Jr. was an executive with Fleet White Oil company in Boulder Colorado.  Although all this information has been carefully hidden from the public, it is a fact.

So I must reconsider what I said about the sex party happening inside the home of Fleet White Sr and Nyla White.  Which of the two following scenarios is more likely?

Scenario 1:  Fleet White Sr and Nyla White owned a mansion in Boulder, Colorado and hosted a Christmas day party in 1996 in this home that they owned.

Scenario 2:  Fleet White Jr and Priscilla White owned a mansion in Boulder, Colorado.  Fleet White Sr. and Nyla White who were known for hosting big parties were visiting this mansion owned by their son in Boulder, Colorado in 1996.  Fleet White Sr. and Nyla White hosted a party at the home of their son, which would be a very natural place for them to host a big Christmas Party. 

I consider Scenario 2 to be much more likely after considering all the lies told by John Ramsey about Fleet White Jr.

Monday, September 28, 2020

 Dots to be connected:

~1975 - 1978: North Fox Island, Michigan pedophile ring and child pornography operations.  The head of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission during this time was John Ramsey's father, James Dudley Ramsey.  Described as very controlling, he was nicknamed the Michigan air czar because he liked to control everything.  In his position he had to know about the operations happening at North Fox Island which involved many air flights to and from the island. At the very minimum he was complicit in allowing the operations to go on under his nose without interference.  At the most, he was one of the pedophiles who was involved in what happened at North Fox Island.

1976-1978: The last time Fleet White Jr. sexually abused Nancy Krebs in Trona, CA. According to Nancy, the only reason he stopped is because others were noticing the signs of the sexual abuse and he did not want to get into legal trouble as Macky Boykin got in a short time later. Note that this period of time is approximately the same period of time as the pedophile and pornography operations on North Fox Island, Michigan.

1977:  Patsy Paugh is Miss West Virginia.

Late 1970's (assume ~1978): Nancy Krebs met Patsy Paugh at a Rainbow Girls convention in Sacramento California. This was before Patsy was married to John Ramsey.  I assume this was before Patsy even met John Ramsey.  

April 1979:  James Dudley Ramsey quietly retires from his long held position as the head of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission even though he is young enough to continue in that role.  Not coincidentally, he retires as the scandal about North Fox Island is exploding in Michigan.  As far as I know, James Ramsey was not even questioned by Michigan investigators of the North Fox Island scandal.

Summer of 1979:  Patsy moved to Atlanta, Georgia.  Shortly afterwards the rest of her family also moves from West Virginia to Atlanta, Georgia.

1979:  John and Patsy allegedly meet for the first time in Atlanta, Georgia.  What was John Ramsey doing in Atlanta, GA?  How long had John Ramsey been in Atlanta, GA before meeting Patsy and what was he doing during this time?  Was he living in Atlanta Georgia?

Late October 1979: Fleet White Jr. and Priscilla Brown Johnson are married in Pasadena, CA.

1980: Fleet White Jr. and his wife Priscilla live in Laguna Niguel, CA, a luxury community by the ocean in Southern California.

November 5, 1980:  John and Patsy Ramsey are married in Atlanta, GA.  

More to Come

 The Manson Family connection to Nancy Kreb's family:

Nancy Krebs said that her mother was friends with Catherine Gillies, who was part of the Manson family.  Looking at the dates involved, this would be around 1968.  In 1968, Catherine Gillies was 19.  In 1968, Gwen Krebs would be 26.

Catherine Gillies of the Manson family of Southern California in 1969:

More to come



Sunday, September 27, 2020

 A Word about Don Paugh, Patsy's father:

Don Paugh, Patsy's father in 1980:

These are some attributes of Don Paugh that I have learned or that I contend are true about him:

1)  He was a high level Freemason of the 32nd Degree. 

2)  He was wealthy.

3) I contend that he was part of a Satanic inter generational family.

4) He and Nedra were both Satanists in secret.

More to come

Nancy Krebs Transcripts

 Following are the Nancy Krebs Transcripts spread out over six PDF files.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Saturday, September 26, 2020

 The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of  Roderick Hotham

Two Worlds Paradigm

FALSE WORLD EXPLANATION:  About to be indicted, this Maine accountant went missing in the 1980's and has never been seen since.

REAL WORLD EXPLANATION: Roderick Hotham was about to release very damaging information to the public about Maine Senator William Cohen.  Just before he was about to release this information, Rod Holtham was kidnapped and murdered and his body was either cremated or hidden somewhere where it would never be found.  Afterwards a cover story was invented to explain his sudden disappearance that involved him running away after being caught embezzling money.  This cover story was a complete lie because Rod Hotham was an honest man who would never do what he is accused of.

Roderick Hotham. Congressman from Maine State Legislature:

William Cohen, U.S. Senator from Maine:

I first heard about this case when I was still on Twitter when the brother of Rod Hotham explained Rod's case in a tweet and appealed to anyone to help him bring justice for his brother under the hashtag #justice4rod.  Rod's brother was (and perhaps still is) harboring the illusion that Donald J. Trump is an honest man and that his 2016 election as President would help bring justice to his brother's case. I told him at that time on Twitter and, if he is reading this, I tell him on my Blog that Donald J. Trump will never bring justice to his brother's case.  To even hope for such a thing requires a complete misunderstanding of who Donald Trump really is and who he serves as President of the United States. But I do not want to make this post about Trump, who is not even worthy to be discussed in this post about an honest man named Rod Hotham.

When I first heard about this case back in 2017/2018, I was deeply intrigued by it because the case exposed a secret world that existed in the shadows that I had long suspected existed. What it exposed is that Satanists owned both the U.S. Government and the state and local governments in Maine.  It exposed that Senator Cohen was a blackmailed pedophile who is owned by Satanists and is probably a Satanist himself. 

More to Come.

 A Word about High Level Satanists:

In a previous post I discussed Satanism in the Real World and differentiated it from the false Satanism of Anton Lavey.   The Satanism preached by Anton Lavey is the Exoteric version of Satanism meant for consumption by the general public.  It has no relationship at all to the Esoteric version of Satanism as it is known and practiced by the inner circle of Satanism.  

In this post I want to talk about the Satanists, who are the practitioners of Real World Satanism.  When talking about Satanists, a differentiation must be made between Low Level Satanists and High Level Satanists. This post is about the common traits or attributes of High Level Satanists.  Not everyone with these attributes is a Satanist by any means but High Level Satanists will generally have one or more of these attributes that can be used to identify them.  With this introduction, I list the common attributes of High Level Satanists and give specific examples of Satanists with these attributes.

Common attribute: Wealth.  

Common attribute: Highly Intelligent.  

Common attribute:  Ambition for money and/or power.  

Common attribute:  Controlling.  

Common attribute: Dishonest and corrupt.  

Common attribute: Ruthless.  

Common attribute: Completely immoral.  

Common attribute: No Conscience.  

Common attribute: Emotionally cold when it comes to dealing with non Satanists.  

Common attribute: Satanists are often upstanding members or even VIPs in the communities in which they live.

Example:  Fleet White Sr and Nyla White were VIP celebrities in Aspen, Colorado where they owned a home and were very influential in the community.  I contend that Fleet White Sr and Nyla White were also VIPs in Boulder, Colorado in 1996 where they owned a home and were very influential in Boulder Colorado because of Fleet Oil Company and the wealth and influence of Fleet White Sr. 

Common attribute: Involvement in High Level Freemasonry.

Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia was a 33rd Degree Freemason

Don Paugh (formerly of West Virginia) was a 32nd Degree Freemason:

Although I have no picture of him to show or evidence of my claim, it is my contention that Fleet Russell White Sr. was a high level Freemason, very possibly of the 33rd Degree. 

Common attribute: Hollywood VIP Actors and Celebrities.

Nicole Kidman, daughter of Satanist Dr. Antony Kidman:

Common attributePolitical Leaders.

Ted Heath, former British Prime Minister:

Richard Nixon, former U.S. President:

George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President:

George W. Bush, former U.S. President:

Barak Hussein Obama, former U.S. President:

Common attribute: Religious Leaders.

Pope Francis:

Billy Graham, 33rd Degree Freemason:

Common attribute: Leaders of Main Stream Media.

Harold W. Anderson, Publisher of the Omaha Nebraska World Herald during Franklin:

Common attribute: Leaders in the military.

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino:

Common attributeLeaders in Technology.

Bill Gates, Plandemic planner and vaccine pusher:

Common attribute: Leaders of Business.

Warren Buffet of Omaha, Nebraska:

Common attribute: Are frequently Husband and Wife Teams.

Common attribute: One of more of the sons but frequently the eldest son of the Satanist Husband and Wife Team will also be a Satanist.

Example:  Satanist George W. Bush was the son of Satanist couple George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush.

Common attribute: Satanists maintain two completely different faces, one a public face shown to non Satanists and the other a private face shown only to other Satanists.  Wearing an invisible mask and a false persona in public helps to hide the Satanist and what he is involved with in private.

Common attribute: Satanists may be publicly Religious and even Religious leaders in the communities in which they live so that nobody would ever suspect them of being Satanists.  In this case, the Satanists wear Religion as a mask in public to hide who they really are in private. 

Example:  Billy Graham.

Common attributeThey or members of their immediate family hold high level positions in the Financial/Banking sector.

For example, Priscilla Brown (wife of Fleet White Jr.) was the daughter of the Chairman of the Board of a major financial corporation headquarted in Los Angeles, Century Financial Corporation.

Another example, Barbara Ferni was the daughter of a senior vice president for investment management at C. J. Lawrence/Deutsche Bank Securities Corporation.

Common attribute: Holds a high level position in intelligence (civilian or military) and/or high level/top secret security clearance.

John Ramsey held a top secret intelligence post while in the U.S. Navy:

Barbara Ferni's father Claude S. Vanden Broeck was a former intelligence officer.

Common attribute: Come from Inter-generational Satanic families.

The Ramsey family that John Ramsey comes from is one of these Satanic inter generational families.  The Paugh family that Patsy Ramsey comes from is another of these Satanic inter generation families.  The White family that both Fleet White Sr and Fleet White Jr come from is yet another of these Satanic inter generational families. 

Common attribute:  Connections, both public and private with other High Level Satanists in a Satanist Network.

Common attribute: Marriage to other Satanists or to the children of other Satanists.  

The Freemason organizations "Rainbow Girls" and "Job's Daughters" are privately used for the purpose of training the daughters of Freemasons and Satanists to marry the sons of Freemasons and Satanists.  Note that Patsy Paugh was one of these girls before she married John Ramsey.  John Ramsey found Patsy Ramsey through Rainbow Girls.

Common attribute:  Satanists like to hang out with and party with other Satanists. 

Common attribute::  Practiced in mind control techniques such as Monarch mind control programming.

Common attribute:  Obsessed with Sex and pleasure seeking, including sex with children.

Common attribute:  Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) of children, either children from their own family or the children of others. 

Common attribute:  World travelers. 

Common attribute:  Often live to a very old age while staying active.   

Common attribute:  They get repeated face lifts to stay young looking even into old age.

Common attribute:  Submission to a Global Satanist Hierarchy.

Just as there is a Hierarchy in Freemasonry, there is a Hierarchy in Satanism. An individual high level Satanist cannot do whatever he wants to do.  He must seek the permission of the leaders of the Global Satanist Establishment and get their approval before doing anything significant that will affect other Satanists and their ambitions.  Satanists must submit to the authority of higher level Satanists or there will be strong repercussions against them.  The Satanist Hierarchy is a pyramid and those lower in the pyramid must submit to the authority of those higher in the pyramid, just like in Freemasonry.

Common attribute:  A secret contempt for the rest of humanity that is not one of them.

Common attribute:  Satanists own the legal system with key positions in Police Departments, District Attorney's offices, the FBI and in the courts (both State and Federal) being filled by Satanists or people directly controlled by Satanists through bribery or blackmail. 

More to come.

Friday, September 25, 2020






Malcolm Rothschild

This is an investigation into a man named Malcolm Rothschild (part of the Rothschild family) who lived in the Chicago area of Illinois. 

Born: July 1928 in White Plains, Westchester, New York

Died: March 2000 at age 71 in Crete, IL.

Mother: Henrietta (Harriet) Catharina Maria Valk

Father: Jay Leo Rothschild. A famous New York City lawyer.

Aliases: Macv V. Rothschild, Malcom V. Rothschild, Macv Rothschild, V Rothschild, Mona V Rothschild, M V Rothschild, Malcom Valk Rothschild, Malcom P. Rothschild, Malcolm Mac Rothschild

He lived in Create, IL which is 50 minutes away from Chicago.

Previously he lived in Park Forest, IL which is 45 minutes away from Chicago.

MRA Systems, Inc.

Malcolm Rothschild was the President of MRA Systems, Inc. incorporated in Orland Park, IL in July 1988. Orland Park is 46 minutes away from Chicago.

MRA Systems, Inc. in Illinois in July 1988 was associated with another company called Morgan Rothschild Group, Inc. (incorporated February 1988). These companies are directly related. 

MRA Systems, Inc. later acquired ownership of Access Graphics in Boulder, Colorado at 1426 Pearl Street.

MRA Systems, Inc. is a front company owned by Lockheed Martin.
So a front company of Lockheed Martin bought Access Graphics in Boulder from Lockheed Martin Corporation. 

But what is revealed here is that MRA Systems, Inc. at Orland Park, IL (suburb of Chicago) in 1988 was a front company of Martin Marietta in Bethesda, Maryland and a member of the Rothschild family was made President of the front company.  In 1997 this company bought Access Graphics in Boulder, Colorado.

What follows is a list of related companies, listed in chronological order by the incorporation date.

Rothschild SunSystems, Inc.

This investigation led me to Rothschild SunSystems, Inc. based in New York. Since Jay Leo Rothschild (Malcolm's father) was from New York meaning Malcolm has a history in New York and the Rothschild name is attached to this company, it has relevance to this post.

Incorporated June 1984

A corporation operating out of the city of Albany, New York.

Morgan Rothschild Group Ltd.

Incorporated February 1988

Morgan-Rothschild International Corp.

Incorporated December 1990

A corporation operating out of New York, New York.

Rothschild Systems, Inc.

Incorporated September 1994

A computer-related company in Massachusetts, which is a state bordering New York. 

J Rothschild Group Limited

Incorporated January 2001

A U.K. Company

Other Related Companies

Rothschild & Co.

Rothschild Investment Banking

A Word about a video on mind control that was allegedly found at the Ramsey home

Alan Dershowitz referred to a military video found in the Ramsey house that was censored under National Security. 

When I first heard about this long ago, I was extremely interested in it.  I tried to find out more about this but I could find nothing else about it on the internet.  Finally I let it go and forgot about it.  Now after many years I am circling back around to once again address this topic.

Certainly not everything that is said on the internet can be trusted to be true.  In fact, the majority of information posted on the internet is false.  It takes a perceptive person to be able to differentiate the needles of truth hidden in the haystack of lies that is in the internet. 

Is this information about a mind control related tape being found during a search of the Ramsey home true or false?  I cannot say.  It may be true or it may be disinformation.  But if it is disinformation then what would be the purpose from an Establishment point of view of spreading it?  I do not know if it is true or not and I remain neutral about it.  With the caveat that it could be untrue disinformation, here is what has been said about this video:

1) It was reportedly identified as a video entitled "How to Create a Mind Control Slave using a Stun Gun".

2) The video is military.  In other words it is created by and/or associated with the U.S. military.  I note that many people have talked about the U.S. military being involved in mind control.  For example, it has been said that mind control training and operations have taken place at U.S. military installations such as Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska and China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in California.

3) This video was reportedly filmed in Huntsville Alabama by NASA.

4) The video was found by Boulder, CO. LE as they were searching the Ramsey home during the JBR murder investiation.

5) The video was seized and its existence hidden on grounds of U.S. National security.  In other words, the video was secret and not meant to be known to the public. The contents of the video if disclosed to the public would be very damaging to the U.S. Government.  This is the reason why it would be seized and hidden for National Security reasons.  National Security is frequently used by the U.S. Government to hide things from the Public that would be damaging to the U.S. Government so it is perfectly understandable why they would seize this video and hide its existence. 

6) John Ramsey, in whose home the video was allegedly discovered has ties to the U.S. military and U.S. military intelligence.  He was a member of the U.S. Navy and held top secret U.S. military intelligence clearance during his service.  His company, Access Graphics was mostly owned by Lockheed-Martin, a major U.S. Defense contractor that supplies the U.S. military with both equipment and services.  So for a top secret video on mind control techniques associated with the U.S. military to be found in his house is not such a big stretch of the imagination.  

7) The implication is that John Ramsey was the main handler for a mind controlled slave and that this slave was his daughter, JonBenet Ramsey. 

8)  Alan Dershowitz stated on televised news that justice would never be obtained in the Ramsey case for reasons of National Security.  I am no fan of Alan Dershowitz who is a Jewish Lawyer but in this case I agree with him and have said basically the same thing on my Blog in previous posts when I stated that a cover up is in place to conceal the truth from the public about the JBR death.  The reason for the cover up is simple.  JonBenet Ramsey died under such circumstances that, if the truth was revealed to the American public would be very damaging to the U.S. Government and the Satanic Establishment.  Unfortunately a hundred thousand useful idiot BDI proponents parroting "Burke did it!" everywhere help the Establishment to keep everything focused on the Ramseys and the Ramsey home and nothing focused on anything bigger.

More to Come.

JFK Assassination Related Deaths

John F. Kennedy was the main person who was assassinated on November 23. 1963 but there were many other murders and deaths related to this assassination that this post is going to document.

Mary Pinochet Meyer

Mary Pinochet Meyer was one of the mistresses of John F. Kennedy who had a secret association with the Central Intelligence Agency. She was murdered in 1964 after the assassination to silence her. 

Lee Harvey Oswald

As the chosen patsy in the JFK Assassination it was important that Oswald be silenced. This task fell on Jacob Rubenstein, a Jew who was a Dallas nightclub owner who shot Oswald at near point blank range in an underground police parking garage. Ruby was put up to this by others who needed Oswald dead before it could be determined that he was not the assassin.  As will shown, Rubenstein himself was later assassinated to shut him up.

Yacob Rubenstein

Yacob Rubenstein was assassinated using a fast acting cancer agent that was passed into his food while he was in jail. He was assassinated to silence him because Rubenstein was trying to tell who put him up to killing Oswald. 

More to Come

Thursday, September 24, 2020



The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the 1917 Russian Revolution

Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was an organic Revolution by the Russian people to overthrow the Czarist Monarchy of Nicholas II.

Real World official explanation:  

Jew in the United States and elsewhere planned the Russian Revolution to overthrow the Russian Monarchy and replace it with a government controlled by Jews. It was a complete takeover of non-Jewish Russia by the Jews.

The Russian Revolution was financed by Jacob Schiff, a Jew and 33rd degree Freemason. See below image.

Schiff was Chairman of the Banking house Kunh, Loeb & co. and a minion of the Rothschilds, who took care of the "revolutionary movement in Russia" and B'nai B'rith.

Abdication of Czar Nicholas II

The Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March of 1917.

The Russian Provisional Government

A Russian Republic led by the Russian Provisional Government was created following the abdication of Czar Nicholas II. This government was not communist. 

Leon Trotsky

On March 27, 1917, Leon Trotsky, a Jew and prominent Freemason led 300 well-trained Jewish communists from New York aboard the Norwegian steamer "Kristianiafjord" for a journey to Sweden, and then via railroad went through Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg, Russia. Trotsky's group included revolutionaries, PR men, etc. Their purpose was to finish the Russian Revolution and establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky. Schiff gave this group 20 million dollars in (Jewish) gold. 

Alexander Kerensky

Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky was a Russian lawyer and revolutionary who led the Russian Provisional Government and the short-lived Russian Republic for three months from late July to early November 1917.

Kerensky Deposed

Nathan Mayer Rothschild directed Lenin to replace Kerensky in the Russian Provisional Government. Lenin, joined by Trotsky and the 300 Jews from New York depose Kerensky.

The Evil of Jews in Russia

Here is a quote from one of the Jewish leaders of the Russian Revolution. Read it well to comprehend the absolute evil of the Jewish mind toward non-Jews.  What Trotsky says here about Russian non-Jews is what Jews want to do to non-Jews world wide.  They are an evil Satanic race.


“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”

Prelude to Genocide

After the Revolution, a horrible genocide of the native non-Jewish Russian population took place. Jews showed no mercy and brutally slaughtered and tortured non-Jews in the most horrible ways imaginable. This genocide represents the deep hatred that Jews feel toward non-Jews which is so strong that Jews want to violently murder non-Jews. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2020


The Manchurian Doll

So I came across this poem by an unknown author called the Manchurian Doll. It appears to be written about JonBenet Ramsey by someone with an insider's knowledge of what really happened.  First I will show the poem as it was published online and then I will dissect some information from it that I believe is very significant.  Here is the poem:

The Manchurian Doll by Anonymous:

They say that innocence prevails

And evil cannot master time

And riches, fame and fortune sow

Some evil seeds which then will grow

To devour the progenitors

Of thirty duos, some must know

That they themselves will out their crime

And have.

Within an old man's fleeting leer

The cycle of the dolls came round

It poisoned sick the world's Yule cheer

The use their own. In passing down

The rituals remain unfound.

And Christmas break gives time to heal

Parties abound, all wounds congeal

But one.

At blithely festive New Year's bash

Some candidates en route stopped there

As if by feigning toasts and cheer

They could undo the fatal sash

The week before.

But handlers die. And what to do?

With Christmas nigh, the one in lieu

Did err.

Saint John would roll o'er in his grave

To know the smut that crossed his nave

Yet Christmas day he held her near

As if he knew she'd disappear

That very night.

An elder cleric's errant son

His extant crush now on the run

Did they supply the candidates

With fodder for the lewd e-fun?

Do tell.

Truth blazes in but from Mcfar

The hunt team's snare was too adept

With keen eyes placed to guard the bar

The talk of dolls in silence kept

They tripped the truth while jurors prepped

Then sacked the hunter as inept. But hunters now

The hunted are.

Death's officer perfidy bared

Though taint of roofs fast disappeared

No antidote this Snow White spared.

The other signs were clearly there

Yet all were hastily interred

And silky-dressed and golden-haired

Truth slept

Of one who died outstretched on high

Most gentle hand His swaddle made

And in sepulchral cloth she laid

His arms tucked in, nor twine replayed

'Round captive limb

This mortal braid is our demise

When angels parish in its vise

Betrayed by kindred's galling lies

As purloined justice turned blind eyes

A panicked lapse left unsurmised

Clues carried home, already prone


However, one must study greats

Take, for example, William Yeats

Who spoke about Byzantium

No governor could stop the run

Your split in planning took its toll

You race spun out of your control

Things fall apart.

The antichrist lurks in the head

It festers in the carnal eye

Which takes young victims from their bed

To suffer that and then to die

Now vacant, half glazed tears are shed

From ambidextrous author's head

One doll, now grown, hides in dread

Another Manchurian candidate

is dead.

Now I will dissect some information from this poem that I think is very significant.

The Manchurian Doll refers to JonBenet Ramsey as a victim of Monarch mind control programming.  In Monarch mind control programming little girls are programmed to be sex toys for adults.  JonBenet was one of those children who was programmed from a very young age to please adult men sexually, starting with her own father and grandfather (Don Paugh). 

Within an old man's fleeting leer.  The old man is Fleet White Sr., who at this time was in his eighties.  His leer was focused on JonBenet Ramsey.

They use their own. Satanists use their own children and grandchildren for sex and share them with other Satanists to use for sex.  John Ramsey was a Satanist who voluntarily shared his young daughter with another Satanist named Fleet White Sr. to have sex with.  

In passing down the rituals remain unfound. This refers to inter generational Satanic families who are involved in Satanic and sexual rituals from one generation to another.  The Ramsey family that John Ramsey comes from is one of these Satanic inter generational families.  The Paugh family that Patsy Ramsey comes from is another of these Satanic inter generation families.  The White family that both Fleet White Sr and Fleet White Jr come from is yet another of these Satanic inter generational families.  These rituals that involve sex with children are done in the strictest secrecy so they remain unfound to the public eye but to the inner circle they are known and common. 

And Christmas break gives time to heal. Christmas day is a common time for Satanists to sexually abuse children during Satanic parties so that the children have time to heal from the sexual abuse before returning to school.  This helps to ensure that the sexual abuse remains secret and will not be discovered by others outside the Cult.

Parties abound.  Satanists hold many sex parties around the USA during Christmas time.  It is one of the most common times for them to hold sex parties. 

All wounds congeal but one.  All normal wounds done during sexual abuse heal but death during sexual abuse does not heal.

At blithely festive New Year's bash; some candidates en route stopped there; as if by feigning toasts and cheer; they could undo the fatal sash the week before.  The festive New Year's bash is the New Year's day Party hosted by Fleet White Sr and Nyla White in Aspen, Colorado on New Year's eve 1996. The candidates are Hollywood celebrities and others who stopped by to attend the party, including Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. The fatal sash the week before is a different party hosted by Fleet White Sr and Nyla White in Boulder, Colorado on Christmas day 1996 sometime during which JonBenet Ramsey met her death. 

But handlers die.  A Handler in this context refers to a person who knows how to handle and control a Monarch mind controlled slave.  Handling such a monarch controlled slave can refer to many things.  One of the things it can refer to is a person who is trained in applying sexual asphyxiation techniques to a young child to make her feel sexual arousal while she is being sexually abused by an adult.  Macky Boykin was such a person who was used by Fleet White Sr to apply sexual asphyxiation techniques to children Fleet White Sr. sexually abused because he wanted his victims to feel arousal as they were being abused.  But Macky Boykin died in November of 1995 so he was not available to be used by Fleet White Sr. during his Christmas 1996 sex party. 

And what to do?  With Christmas Nigh.  Knowing that he was about to participate in a sex party on Christmas, Fleet White Sr. had to quickly find another handler practiced in applying sexual asphyxiation techniques to young children.  He found a substitute handler who could do what Macky Boykin used to do for him before Macky died.

The one in lieu did err.  The handler that Fleet White Sr. chose to replace Macky Boykin made a mistake and accidentally strangled JonBenet to death while Fleet White Sr. was sexually abusing her.  It is my contention that this handler was none other than his own son, Fleet White Jr.

Saint John would roll o'er in his grave to know the smut that crossed his nave. This refers to St John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado that the Ramseys, the Whites and many other key people in the JBR murder were members of.  Satanists were using this church as a front to hide behind and to meet in secret.  

An elder cleric's errant son. His extant crush now on the run. I interpret the elder cleric to be Fleet White Sr and his errant son to be Fleet White Jr.  Fleet White Jr. was the handler his father chose to be the substitute for the deceased Macky Boykin.  Fleet White Jr. accidentally killed JonBenet. The extant crush refers to Nancy Krebs. Fleet White Jr. raped Nancy Krebs many times and had a crush on her. The reference to Fleet White Sr. being a cleric is somewhat of a mystery to me but it could be a refrence to Fleet White Sr.'s position in a Satanic cult.

Did they supply the candidates with fodder for the lewd e-fun? Do tell. Was child pornography of JonBenet's sexual abuse and a snuff film of her accidental death distributed to others so they could watch it and get off on it?  

With keen eyes placed to guard the bar. This applies to the cover up and the Gatekeepers (such as Tricia on WebSluths) who keep the public from knowing what really happened. 

The talk of dolls in silence kept.  The secret of what really happened to JonBenet was kept from the public eye.  First John was the favorite patsy.  Then Patsy.  And now Burke.  A million BDI proponents parroting "Burke did it.  Burke did it." is proof that most of the public has not a clue of the truth to this day. 

One doll now grown hides in dread.  Nancy Krebs was a Manchurian doll who went through very much the same thing JonBenet was going through before her death.  Unlike JonBenet, she survived her abuse and grew up and escaped from the Satanic cult she was born into.  She hides in dread because she is afraid of being murdered to silence her for what she knows.