Monday, January 31, 2022

A comment

 A commenter made a comment (which he later deleted but I was still able to see) accusing me of being a Satanic Gate Keeper.  Made on my Denial of Reality post, I assume this was someone from who did not like what I said in that post.  Even though the commenter deleted it, I want to respond partially to it.  To claim I am a Gate keeper of anyone else's false truth is absurd.  Everything I have said on my Blogs are my own concepts, my own beliefs, my own truths. Right or wrong, what I have said is my own.  I serve no man or no agenda.  I speak the truth as I see it and I have no guilt for doing so.  I would suggest that those behind take a good look at themselves before they accuse me of being a gate keeper.  My only regret is that I have been unable to make more people see the truths I am trying to propagate.  Someone must be the sane voice of truth and reason.  But I answer to no man but myself, without any regret.

The JFK Assassination

I have struggled to put this into words but here is what I want to say concerning the JFK assassination.  When you know what is going on, or in other words you have the right context for understanding what you are seeing in the Zapruder film, everything in the film from the time the Limousine comes out from in back of the freeway sign until the Limo rushes off to Parkland makes sense.  Those who do not know see only meaningless background surrounding the all important head shot.  Their brainwashed minds have been provided a false context of Oswald firing into the Limo from outside so they do not see the obvious happening inside the Limo.  I was one of them until someone else gave me the right context for seeing.  It appears that I am one who can see this much better than most, for whatever reason.  But once you have the proper context, the reason behind the throat shot becomes clear as well as Jackie leaning over against her husband just as the head shot happens or Agent Clint Hill running up to retrieve the weapon she threw on the trunk.  Even though I appear to have convinced some people of this, it appears that few can see it.  

Friday, January 28, 2022

A Link

I found this today and I have no words to describe how I feel about it.  What has the world come to that something like this is reality?   Truly we have crossed the Rubicon now.

A French citizen dies two weeks after receiving the vaccines, but the life insurance does not cover his death, arguing that he volunteered to inject himself with an experimental product that had not been properly tested.

The court in charge of the case has accepted the objections of the insurer considering, "in law, that adherence to the experiment of phase three, in which the proven innocuousness is non-existent", makes the death of the French citizen to be considered a "fatality". "voluntary", that is, risk not covered by the contract and legally admitted as suicide.

The family appealed this decision, but the insurer's defense was admitted as "founded and contractually fair", considering that "this known and public taking of mortal risk is legally like suicide", since the client had sufficient information and , however, "has voluntarily accepted to run the risk of dying without being forced to do so."

Consequently, death after vaccination is considered suicide by the French courts, which sets a disturbing precedent. For their part, the insurers will not repay the loans either because the lethal risk of the vaccine makes the contract null and void.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The U.K. Prime Ministers

When I discuss non Jewish minions to the Jews there is no better example than the U.K. Prime Ministers.  Sycophants to the Jews who have put their own political ambitions above the good of serving the British people, Teresa May is a particularly odious example.  The British people never wise up or seem to have a clue what is going on either.  They let the Jews rule without having any awareness that they are doing so.  This is what is so confounding to me.  The situation is no better and is in many ways worse in America, where we have the Trump supporting Idiots who will beg for Trump to be reelected in 2024. When I use the term "brain dead" to describe such people, I am not lying. The only alternative left to a sane man is to disown the entire system and the idiot population subservient to it.   In another reality the world might wake up but that is not this reality.  From my birth I have seen it, from the JFK assassination all the way up to the Plandemic.  The future of this world is certainly not a good one.  I would prefer to live in a different world.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The War that must be fought

How to fight an effective war against Jewish control should be on the mind of all free loving people who see the problem. This war must be unlike any other war ever fought. The enemy is not outside the gate but is running the entire System. How do you fight that? It takes intelligence, subtlety, wisdom and a knowledge of the very System we want to overthrow.  It means that nobody inside the System will be on our side except for those who know.  We must find allies working within the System to help us.  Jews hide behind non Jewish minions. The minions are easy to identify.  They are on their knees sucking the Jewish cock.  Strike the minions and you strike the power base of the Jews.  The Jewish plan is not difficult to understand.  They can be defeated by an intelligent determined foe that is against them and on the side of humanity.  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Scary Picture

This shows what Jews intend to do to non Jewish humanity when they get all the control in their hands.  You should not disregard it as impossible but as a reality that is slowly coming into being.  Jews are transforming the world, step by step, from the way it is now to that picture.  Humanity can still stop it but after a certain point it will not be able to be stopped by non Jews.  You don't want the check mate to come that will spell the end of humanity's freedom.  All the lies being told about the Plandemic are part of the transformation.  They no longer care that the System is an illusion that more and more can see through as they barrel ahead to reach the finish line of the transformation.  Confronting them with their lies will be met with complete ignoring of the facts, and that is where we are now, It can only get worse under Jewish control.  Jews are hate filled and determined to make slaves of non Jews.  They do anything to profit from their control of the world and it will lead to this sooner or later unless a certain segment of humanity wakes up in time to go to war against it. These will be the Saviors of humanity against the evil Jews. I tell you it is past time for that but not too late to do something against the centuries long hater and enemy of the rest of humanity.  They will never stop unless they are stopped...permanently.  

What the Jews Fear Most

What the Jews fear most is to lose control of the System, of the narrative, of the money, of the world economy, of the perception of truth, of the world governments.  For centuries they have worked to gain control of the world and they most fear losing control.  They do not want to do something which could unravel their control. Regarding the Plandemic, they are careful not to do anything so overtly that it will wake the brain dead as to what is really going on.  Jews never planned on fooling everyone and they don't need to.  As long as the majority are deceived, its good enough for the Jews.  Keeping the deception alive to the brain dead indefinitely is the goal of the Jews and I see nothing to make me think they will not achieve it.  What we know about the Jews and their control does not really matter as long as we are nothing more than a minority who is never going to challenge Jewish control.  To challenge, undermine and defeat Jewish control should be humanity's highest goal if humanity were awake. But Jews are a predator race who make sure the majority of humanity stays dumb, stupid and distracted so Jewish control is never threatened.  

Monday, January 17, 2022

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor was a Jewish Plan to get America into the war against Germany.  Notice that immediately after Pearl Harbor and war was declared, the first thing the U.S. did was to send troops to Europe to fight against Germany, not against Japan.  FDR was Jewish who conspired with other Jews to bring the might of the U.S. against Germany.  The Jews used everything in their favor.  They knew what the outcome of the war would be before it even started, 

Bill Gates

People reading my Blogs may wonder why I have such ire toward Bill Gates and why Bill Gates has become literally my public enemy number one recently.  Its not just because he is a Jew (which unfortunately most people do not even know that about him) but because he is a Psychopath.  A Psychopath is not an insane or crazy person as most people may think but it is person who can do evil without feeling guilt or remorse or any other normal human emotion that would prevent someone from committing atrocities in which real people die.  Anyone watching Bill Gates closely can read in his body language that he is delighted by the Plandemic and has no feeling at all toward all those who have died during it.  He is enjoying the Plandemic, which shows he is  one of the planners and architects of it.  The mask has fallen off his face and he is exposed for who he is to those who have the eyes to see it.  But there will never be justice for Bill Gates in this world because his kind are in full control.  He knows this better than anyone.  Short of some pissed off citizen blowing his head off, he will go on doing evil until the day he dies.  In this world, his evil is seen as good.   As long as his kind rule, the world is FUBAR. The only way that normal human beings can change this world is to unite against those who control it.  I am not holding my breath that this will ever happen. And even if it did, (((they))) hold the power in their hands to prevent their control from ever being circumvented.  This is the obstacle humanity faces that prevents it from being free.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

What happens when you lose faith in the system?

You go to  a world that you were ever taught about, by school or experience.  Its the real world and most people will not be happy to know it exists. They prefer the "predictable" illusory world that is much easier for them to understand and accept. But that world is a lie. That world is the Matrix that entraps so many people in the fantasy world inside the head. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

My message

I don't think I can wake up anyone who is not at least already half way awake.  I created my Blog to red pill people who have no clue but I think I have utterly failed in that.  Even if the Jews let me speak my mind without censoring me, it would make no difference.  I cannot be responsible any longer for waking people up.  I have done what I could do and if I was meant to continue it I would not have suffered such obstacles to get my message out.  But the truths I have told on my Blog are not lies or propaganda.  They are truths but truth is not wanted in this world.  My truth falls on deaf ears in this world.  I wish I could change the world.

Monday, January 10, 2022

On the Death of JonBenet Ramsey

 This may be the last post I make about this, which is unfortunate because I was making so much progress at the end of my new Blog to uncovering the truth before they shut it down.  But for anyone reading this who does not know, here are the facts that I uncovered about this death.  There is much more to uncover but this is as far down the rabbit hole as I got.  The rabbit hole goes deeper.

There is a massive conspiracy and cover up involving the U.S. Government itself concerning this death.

The public has been lied to about Access Graphics and about John Ramsey.  Access Graphics in Boulder Colorado was a front and John Ramsey was a front man.

The biggest reveal I made on this Blog is that the death of JBR did not happen inside her home as the public has been led to believe.  She died elsewhere and her corpse was moved to her home and a fake crime scene staged there.  Many people participated in this cover up. The U.S. Government is behind the cover up.

The true location of the child's death IMO is not in Boulder, Colorado but in Denver Colorado, which is very close to Boulder. There are many reasons why I say this.

Shirley Reed is the younger sister of Nancy Krebs. Shirley Reed's daughter was at at the real location where JBR died.  Shirley Reed worked in Denver, Colorado.  Shirley Reed has an association with the U.S. Air Force. Shirley Reed and her daughter were transferred to Ramstein air base, Germany after the death of JBR.

There is an early association between John Ramsey and Martin Marietta.  Martin Marietta had a major Aerospace facility in Denver, Colorado (now Lockheed Martin). Martin Marietta in Denver had a strong connection to the U.S. Air Force.

Peter B. Teets (look him up) had a connection to John Ramsey and Access Graphics.  Peter B. Teets was strongly connected to Martin Marietta, Denver and the U.S. Air Force.  He later became Undersecretary of the U.S. Air Force.  

Investigate the real reason why Fleet White Jr. was in Colorado. He wasn't there coincidentally. He was involved in oil and gas development in Colorado for his father's company.  Also, both John Ramsey and Fleet White Jr. lied about meeting for the first time in 1994 in Boulder.  They knew each other in California as early as 1966.  Look at John Ramsey's hidden California history to reveal that. Fleet White Jr. was at John and Patsy's 1980 wedding in Atlanta.  That is how close they were.

The MSM totally failed to connect any meaningful dots for the public in this case.  One blatant example of this is that the MSM failed to reveal that Fleet White Jr. worked for his father's company.  There was a major effort to hide Fleet White Sr. and Fleet Oil Company from public view.  This secret has been maintained intact to this day.  No one cares about the truth.  The cover story has become the truth and the truth has been lost, despite my best efforts to tell the real story.

IMO after looking at everything, the true killer of JBR was Fleet White Jr., who killed JBR accidently during a sexual Satanic ritual.  His father, Fleet White Sr., was the one performing the sexual ritual on JBR when she died.  The Ramsey family was a Satanist family who involved their children in these rituals. The White family was also a Satanist family who involved their children and grandchildren in these rituals. There are many such families but they are not meant to be known to the public. JBR was not intended to die when she did.  It was her accidental death that spawned the huge cover up to conceal the truth and to protect a lot of other people. 

The Boulder Grand Jury findings against the Ramseys was not a lie.  It told the truth without revealing any details to the public of what actually happened. The Ramsey parents were guilty of putting their daughter into a situation which led to her (accidental) death.

The truth is not unknown.  In fact it is known by many people and has been since the death happened. The public is not told the truth because the public can never accept it.  The public is told a false truth that they can accept and will never be told anything more than this, but the truth is known and covered up. The cover up is justified on the pretext of protecting National Security interests but the real reason is different.

JonBenet Ramsey has never gotten justice and I expect will never get justice.  The cover up continues today and there are very few even interested in the truth.  Those who believe that a family member killed JBR are fools who believe exactly what the cover up wants them to believe.  I did what I could to set the story straight.  Nancy Krebs did not lie.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Biggest Mistake you can make

The Biggest Mistake you can make is to trust others and not think for yourself.  To trust others assumes the honesty of others and when that honesty is absent, trust is a fool's game. The dishonesty of the world is what every single human being should know.  To not know about the dishonesty of the world is what makes people fools. Do not be a fool.  Do not trust others and think for yourself about everything.  I cannot emphasize strongly this enough. When you assume dishonesty then everything makes sense. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

On the Plandemic

The Plandemic could not have happened without Jewish control of the world.  This is what Jews have done with their control of the world and they can do a lot worse than this.  I have spoken many times about the need to fight back against Jewish control of the world but my message has not been heard by the right people.  To this enemy, non resistance is a permission slip to run completely wild and do whatever you want to do that you can get away with.  It hurts me to see what is happening and I want so badly for humanity to resist.  The resistance I speak of goes beyond non compliance with the Plandemic restrictions but to actually doing something against those who brought it. There should be anger and rage and hatred against those who have done this to the world.  Where is it?  Its in my heart and it should be in yours, if you give a fuck.

On Hitler (and Germany during WW2)

I refuse to latch onto Hitler as a Hero and yet I do not vilify him the way the Jews do.  I try to remain neutral about Hitler.  I see the good and I see the bad.  Undoubtedly there has been massive negative propaganda about the man and perhaps I have been misled by some of it to think poorly of him, but as I have said many times, I prefer to be grounded in reality and not wishful thinking.  I do not let my wishful thinking take precedence over what I perceive reality to be. So I take a realistic view of Hitler as I perceive reality to be. All I know is that Hitler turned out to be very bad for Germany and the German people. Outside of all of his talk and promises, the reality is that Germany was destroyed under his rule and that did not have to happen.  In many ways, Hitler made it happen by his poor decisions. Targeting common Jews and not big Jews does nothing against the Jewish problem. Hitler was right to blame the Jews for the issues Germany was facing when he took power but he did nothing against the Jewish problem.  He played into Jewish hands is how I see it. The Jewish problem is so big that no one man and no one country can ever make a dent in it.  It has to be an organized effort for all of humanity to go against it to ever end that threat.  

Question and Answer

I received this question on my Blog.

Question:  do you think the Sanhedrin is the head of the Jewish serpent? Some say that the elite is a hybrid between humans and beings from another dimension. Do you think that is disinformation and the elite is made up of humans as you said in your blog?

Answer: I am a non Jew and my understanding of the Jewish power structure and organization is limited. I am an outsider trying to understand what that organization is like. My Jewish Master Plan is my own interpretation of it but I cannot say I understand the way Jews think.  They are like a hive mind that is completely foreign to my way of thinking.  Non Jews cannot really understand Jews.  Its like we are two separate species in competition for control of planet earth.  I do not think the Sanhedrin is the head of the Jewish serpent.  The Sanhedrin is a religious organization but I think the head of the serpent is not Religious. I think it cares nothing about Religion but it cares about control.  Religion is a great way to control people so in that regard it cares about Religion but not because it believes in God.  In believes in no God but itself. No, Jews are human.  Forget about otherworldly beings and just focus on this earth.  That is disinformation.  The elite is made up of human beings and I encourage you to think in those terms.  Focusing on things not of this earth can only serve to confuse and mislead.  What is happening on this earth does not require other off world entities.  The Jews have done this themselves and need no help from outside. That is the way I see it.

Friday, January 7, 2022

On the Denial of Reality

I received a comment recently that I feel compelled to respond to with a post.  There are web sites out there that appear to be truth-oriented web sites but they are really shill sites.  These shill sites may be anti Jewish but that is only to give them apparent legitimacy to those who aware of the Jewish problem.  That is a strategy of the Jews to use that to deceive.  Jews will use ANYTHING to deceive, including anti Jewish discussion. is a perfect example of an anti Jewish site that is really a shill site ran and operated by Jews.  Being anti Jewish is no guarantee that a site is not a shill site. Understand?  But the worst shill sites of all are those that deny basic reality.  Examples are web sites that say nukes are not real, or viruses are not real or the earth is flat and not a sphere. Some of those reality denying web sites can use very logical sounding wording to make it appear as if they are telling the truth but you must not be deceived by that.  You must always be firmly grounded in reality, and when you see a web site denying reality, you know not to even look at it.  The last resort of a shill when all other lies have been exposed is to deny reality.  (((They))) would much rather you believe the moon is not real than to believe it is real and that man faked the moon landings.  Capiche?  Only a fool would believe such a thing.  So do not be deceived by anyone that denies reality. is another one that denies reality.  Do not even look at what they say because it will only confuse you.  If you want to deny something, deny events that never happened such as the Apollo moon Landings deception but do not deny reality.  Stay grounded in reality so you can distinguish truth from fiction.  

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Red Pill Test

When you can watch the Zapruder film and see Jackie kill JFK, then you are red pilled.  Until you get to the point where you can see that, then you are not red pilled no matter what you tell yourself.

Do my words discourage you?  Do not be discouraged.  Look, I show the way.  The only thing that prevents you from seeing it is your own subconscious belief about Oswald shooting JFK from outside of the Limousine through very intensive brainwashing.  The conscious mind cannot see what the subconcious mind does not believe to be possible.  But when you lose lose those subconscious beliefs, then the truth opens up in front of your eyes in a way that you cannot deny.  If you cannot see it, then my words alone will not convince you of anything until you can see it for yourself.  Don't give up.  There are web sites and videos on the internet to help you see it, but you have to want to know the truth.  This is the test of the truly red pilled.  

You have to lose all trust of the World

I have spoken about many things on my Blog but I perceive that many readers, although sympathetic, really do not get what I am trying to say.  To what do I attribute that lack of understanding? I attribute it to Trust. People who have been conditioned their entire lives to trust others and to think as they perceive others think are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to knowing the truth.  I cannot tell anyone else what to do.  All I can tell you is my own personal experience that allowed me to come to the truth that I could not even see before.  You have to start by losing your trust of the world.  The world is a deceiver and the world will deceive you if you allow it to.  Losing your trust of the world is the first step to being able to see.  Trust yourself and not the world is the point that you must get to.  Forget about other people and what you perceive they think.  You have no idea about what other people think.  You know your own experience and that is it.  Make the assumption that the world is dishonest and is trying to deceive you about many things.  This assumption is true but it must be an assumption until you have the evidence in front of you to know it.  I have seen that evidence in spades, which is why I am making this post to try to awaken those who don't know...who haven't seen.  Chances are good that you are one of those people who does not really get it even if you want to.  Wanting to see and being able to see are not the same things. Reading my words are of no value to you unless you can really see what I am saying and why.  If you do not see that Jackie killed JFK then you are not awake.  You can pretend that you are red pilled but you are not unless you can see that.  If you cannot see it even though its clearly shown, it is because you are putting your trust of the world above your trust in yourself and your own ability to see the truth.  You have that ability as I have that ability.  The only difference between me and you is that I have learned to trust myself over the world, and in doing so I have discovered truths I could never have perceived otherwise.  Do you hear my words?  Do they make any sense to you at all?  You have to forget about the world.  You have to forget about other people.  You have to use your own senses and awareness to discover the truth without allowing yourself to be misled or deceived by other people.  Trust yourself over other people.   That is the ONLY way you will come to the truth.  Stop looking for Gurus outside of yourself and become your own Guru.  You do not need anyone else besides yourself to know what the truth is.  You have the God given ability to know the truth if you just trust yourself and stop allowing yourself to be deceived by what others tell you or by what your perception is of what most other people believe.  Its a mistake to think as you perceive most people do, which you can never know.  Think for yourself.  Use your own eyes and awareness to see what is there. I try to help you to see without needing me or someone like me to show you anything.  Open your eyes and trust yourself.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

On the Mandela Effect

My opinion of the Mandela Effect is that it is caused by people falsely perceiving an event they saw earlier and then when they see the same event again later more accurately, they believe that reality has somehow changed for them.  I have never considered the Mandela Effect to be legitimate until I experienced my own example of it.  I saw a movie not too long ago that I knew contained a scene I liked and wanted to see again.  I did not particularly care about the movie but I watched it just so I could see that scene again.  But when the scene came, it did not match my memory at all of the scene I had seen earlier in "the same movie".  It was the same movie but the scene was completely different.  I have a clear memory of that scene and I tell you that the scene I saw recently was not the scene I saw earlier.  It was similar but many things about it were different.  Logic says that I must be misremembering the scene but I tell you I have a very clear memory of the earlier scene and I am not misremembering it. There were so many differences its like it was a different version of the same movie but I know that only one version of this movie was made. This is not the first instance of something I had seen earlier changing. The idea that perceived reality might not be a constant but is something that is created in the moment inside the mind is very thought evoking.

 To those who believe 9-11 was a false flag against America, you have not seen the truth.  You have not seen the complete corruption of America that would allow it to be a PSYOP.  Your ignorance does not disturb me because I have taken the time and effort to see what you have not.  Its better to know a bad truth than to hang on to a comforting illusion.  When you know 9-11 was a PSYOP then you are truly red pilled.  The only way 9-11 makes sense is to be a PSYOP.  The only difference between Sandy Hook and 9-11 is scale; otherwise they are the same. The people who rule America are corrupt to the core.  There is no honesty in the U.S. Government.  Whatever honesty there appears to be is an illusion to deceive the public. The biggest enemy of the American people is the U.S. Government. 

But if you want to see the corruption of America, there is no better example than the JFK assassination. The Zapruder film is all the evidence you need for those who have the eyes to see it.  But if you cannot see that Jackie killed JFK even when its shown right in front of your eyes then how can you see anything else?  Consider that to be the red pill test. Until you can see on the Zapruder film that Jackie shot JFK in the head, then you have not seen the truth about the world.   I have done what I can to wake you up.  The rest is up to you. 

 One of the most profound and true things I said on my new Blog is this: The world is not ruled by honesty and consent.  The world is ruled by deception and force. The illusion presented to the public by the government and the media is completely different than the reality.  This is the Two Worlds Paradigm.  I have done my best to wake people up to this. Those who know this truth, know the world and are in a much better position than those who don't.  For those who are taking the shots, all I can is God help you. Your ignorance and stupidity will be your demise. I cannot help you.

Monday, January 3, 2022

There is something wrong with Noreen Gosch in the same way that there is something wrong with Rusty Nelson.  The stories of both of these people is not honest.  There is an agenda behind these two people that is not the truth but is instead making the public believe a carefully crafted story.  I am not saying that Johnny Gosch was not kidnapped or that the Franklin Credit Union scandal with all the sexual stuff did not happen. What I am saying is that the stories these two people are telling about those real events do not add up when closely examined.  I look for the lie and I found many lies and illogical contractions in what those two people said.  There is a truth but neither of those people are telling it.  Do not be deceived.  If you want make sense of things, you have to separate the truth from the lies and it takes a very perceptive person to do that.