Monday, July 11, 2022

I am giving Jesus Christ the Victory over the World

I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ.  I serve God.  I am a Steward of the Earth and all the good people in it.  I will Protect and Serve Humanity as God Directs me.  I Love you all.


  1. Please read my comments

  2. Yes, I have read the bible on my own time as very few have. There is some truth and there is some evil in are talking kindergarten spirituality - but at least your mind is sattvic.
    "If there is any one religion in the world which is the noblest of all, it is Swadharma – aligning with one's own true nature. To live in one's innate nature is Swadharma, even while belonging to a certain caste, religion or nation. To understand Swadharma, one should realise that It is existent in all forms of life, be it an ant or an insect. This alone is Swadharma and all other cults, parading as religions, are pardharma [a path that is alien to the Self and devoted to non-Self]. These religions impose absurd rules and methods that are alien to our real nature of Self. That is the definition of pardharma."

  3. Another psyop. But at least a nice one.

  4. Jesus helped and defended Jewish slavery and called it work

  5. What changed your perception of the world and of people so decisively in the films you mentioned? Why did you suddenly become a Christian?

  6. this blog is dead seem
