Thursday, July 7, 2022

My Responsibility to the World

This Blog is misnamed, I realize of late.  It is not a Jewish world and I am not a stranger in it. Far from it.

I never intended for this Blog to be about me.  I have intentionally tried to keep my own thoughts and feelings out of this Blog and just focus on the truth about the world that I saw, but ultimately this Blog is about me and my desire to change the world for the better.

I feel a great responsibility for the world, to help improve the world for everyone.  I am responsible for the world and I take that responsibility very seriously.  Exposing the truth about the lies, deception and corruption of the world has been my method up to now for helping to change the world but now I have come to discover a new method for changing the world.  Love conquers all and so my new message is based on Love, not going to war against the Jews, as I had originally intended.

I may have unknowingly contributed to some of the evils of the world but I will try to be a better person, for the sake of the entire world.  I will try to be more loving, caring, and compassionate toward all people. I make this pledge before God.

Some bad people have taken control of the world as I have documented very clearly on this Blog but their control is coming to an end.  Forget about the Jewish Master Plan.  It is an evil plan by an evil people but it ends now, as God is my witness. I will not allow any more damage to be done to the world and I will roll back the damage that has been done, with God's help.

I have a new vision for a new world based on Love, Unity, Peace, Compassion, Caring and Harmony.  In other words, the very opposite of the Jewish Master Plan.  I will work alone and with others to make this vision come true.  I am with all the good people of the world, regardless of country of origin or language spoken there.  We are all one people sharing this world and we must join together to make the world good for all of us.

If you are on the side of Good, then I am your ally.  If you are on the side of Evil, then you will be removed from the earth, forever. I hope the Jews hear that because I want them to hear that.  I want to be fair and just and righteous but I will not tolerate this to continue any longer.  

No more Evil.

No more Lies.

No more Deception.

God will make this a reality for the entire earth.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. By when do you think Jewish control of the world will end? Do you think we will be able to see that?
