Friday, November 15, 2024

Red Pills

What is the Red Pill?  The Red Pill is the Truth.  Not the Truth you know but the Truth you don't know because you have never been told about it. The Red Pill is the Truth that has been hidden from you your entire life. 

Truth matters and it also matters that most people don't know what the truth is. The bad guys don't want people to know the truth about anything.  Here is what the head of the CIA said about the truth:

What he means is that they are purposely spreading lies and disinformation everywhere so that the American people don't know the truth about anything, and whatever the American people think is the truth is actually a lie. 

This Blog and its message are in direct opposition to the Jewish/CIA campaign of spreading disinformation/lies everywhere. As long as this Blog still exists, it is an invaluable tool for red pilling people about a great variety of subjects.

Going beyond the simple definition, the Red Pill is a process a person goes through from being completely blind to being able to see.  The Blindness I speak of is metaphorical. It means the inability to see the Lies and Deception of the society in which you live.  We are all brainwashed and conditioned from birth not to see the lies and deception and to simply accept the world as it appears to be and not question what we are told by our governments and our news media. We are conditioned to trust those in authority to be honest and to never intentionally lie to us or deceive us.  

But the Red Pill is about losing your trust of society. Its about losing your trust of those in authority. It is about seeing the Lies and Deception of the MSM and the government and basically all other institutions of authority.  This is a huge step for most people to take and they prefer to stay inside the illusion rather than see the truth.  Those that do that have chosen to take the Blue Pill.  But if you want to know the Red Pill, read on.  But before I end this intro, I need to repeat the words that Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix before he took the red pill. All I am offering is the Truth. Nothing More.  What this means is that you probably won't like the Truth you find after taking the Red Pill.  The Truth when discovered does not bring happiness as everyone who has ever taken the true Red Pill finds out.  It brings the opposite of happiness. So if you just want to live a comfortable easy life without having to think too hard about anything then close this Blog now because you are not ready for this. 

But it is always better to know a Bad Truth rather than a comforting Lie.  There is power in knowing the truth and it is worth making the effort to know it is all I can tell you.  The Truth will set you free.

If you would like to contact me about anything you see on this Blog please feel free to e-mail me at

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