Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm Example of the Beatles

False World Explanation:

The Beatles were four individuals who finally struck it big after a long time performing in small time venues like the Cavern Club. They got lucky when a London record store owner named Brian Epstein happened to hear them perform one day, liked what he heard and signed them to a contract. With the help of Brian Epstein and EMI Studios, the Beatles eventually worked their way to great fame.  They became famous first in the UK and then their fame spread to other countries. Eventually they came to the USA in 1964 and performed on the Ed Sullivan show and became very famous in the USA. Lennon and McCartney were musical geniuses who wrote most of the music the Beatles performed. 

Real World Explanation:

The Beatles were a product of the Jewish Tavistock Institute, with the long-term goal of using the Beatles to transform America. The Beatles were actually a Jewish secret weapon to help destroy the culture of America as it existed in the early 1960's. The four members of this "band" were never four individuals.  From the very beginning there were multiple people playing the roles of these band members. This especially applies to the roles of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Brian Epstein was a Jew who did not just happen to accidentally hear the Beatles but he was set up by the Tavistock Institute to be their manager. The fame of the Beatles was engineered, both in the UK and the USA and other countries.  For examples, fans were paid to cheer loudly for them everywhere they went. Lennon and McCartney could not even read music, much less write it.  All of the Beatles music was written by a Jew at the Tavistock Institute named Theodor W. Adorno. 


When I say Paul, I am not speaking of a person but a role in a fictional band. If the Beatles were a real band then there would be just one person playing this role but in the case of an Engineered band like the Beatles there were multiple people playing the role of Paul.  

Here is the person most people think of when they think of Paul.  This is James Paul McCartney, circa 1965.  But is this really his name?  In the False world this man is the one and only James Paul McCartney but in the Real World his name could be anything. Whover he was, this is the person most people know as "Paul".  But as you will see there were many other people playing this role who were not the man pictured above.  These are called look a likes. A look a like is someone with a facial resemblance to another person who is not that person but pretends to be.  I will be showing you some of the Paul look a likes shortly. 


P.I.D. stands for "Paul is Dead" and this is from a lot of Beatles fans noticing around 1969 that there were a lot of hints being added to Beatles music and album covers signifying that Paul McCarney was dead.  Now I am not saying that Paul McCartney died although he may have.  Or he may have just chose to leave the group and no longer be a part of the Beatles. In any case I see P.I.D. as deception and a way to explain the existence of Paul look a likes that some fans might notice.  If they noticed they might want to explain the look a likes by Paul being dead and being replaced.  But in the P.I.D. movement, the belief is that the original Paul died and he was replaced by a single look a like referred to as "Faul".  This is not the truth.  As I have said, all four Beatles members were played by multiple individuals from the beginning.  There were many Fauls in reality, not just one. 

More to Come

The French Connection to Jacqueline Bouvier


I have not done much research at all into the French connection to Jacqueline Bouvier but as I was investigating her case I became aware of it and also aware of the significance of it in her later assassination of her husband.  Actually, the source of this information is very odd.  The Rock group Queen led me to the French connection with their song "Killer Queen". 

Specifically, there is a direct connection between Jackie being an Agent for someone and France.  This is what I perceive. Now we know Jackie had an early association with the CIA, but I say who she was really working for was NOT the CIA.  Although Jackie worked with the CIA at one point in her life, she was working for someone bigger than the CIA. Now I have no evidence at this point to say this, but I suspect that she was an agent for the Rothschilds. I absolutely suspect that after a lot of dot connecting.  But to prove that will be very difficult as it has certainly been well hidden.

But in this post I just want to explore the French connections to Jacqueline Bouvier to try to uncover anything that might lead to a deeper understanding of who she was, what she was really doing in France, etc.  This is a rabbit hole unto itself but it is one we must go down to uncover the hidden truth about JFK's assassin.

But to begin this investigation, here is a link from a third party source about Jackie in France early in her career.

Jacqueline in Paris

In September 1949, Jacqueline Bouvier arrives in postwar Paris to begin her junior year abroad.

Jacqueline is immediately catapulted into an intoxicating new world of champagne and châteaux, art and avant-garde theater, cafés and jazz clubs.

In the aftermath of World War II, Paris has become a nest of spies, and suspicion, deception and betrayal lurk around every corner.

Jacqueline is stunned to watch the rise of communism --- anathema in America, but an active movement in France --- never guessing she is witnessing the beginning of the political environment that will shape the rest of her life, and that of her future husband.

A closer look at the Assassin of JFK


In this post I show that Jackie Kennedy, pictured above, is the assassin of JFK but in that post I do not explain how or why she was the assassin.  It is not necessary to explain why she was the assassin to show she was the assassin so in that post I did not attempt to explain that.

But in this post I am going to put the magnifying glass of truth upon this woman, who was his wife and the father of his children. While it still may be incomprehensible to some reading this that she murdered her own husband in cold blood, the film taken by Abraham Zapruder (a Jew) establishes that beyond any doubt.  But in this post I want to attempt to explain why Jackie was the assassin.  

First of all, there is an early CIA connection to Jackie Kennedy. Although its very difficult to find evidence of this on the Jew controlled web, Jackie Kennedy was working for the CIA long before she even met JFK.  The following post begins to describe this early CIA connection to Jackie Kennedy (formerly Jacqueline Bouvier).

Related Links

More to Come

Its not just Israel


So one of my recent posts showed an anti Terrorism conference that took place in Syria in which Gordon Duff of Veterans Today said some very interesting things.

Although I was initially very impressed by what Mr. Duff said, on further thought I find some things seriously wrong with his speech.  While it is true that Israel is guilty of terrorism and crime, especially in the middle east, I do not think it is correct to say that Israel is the source of the world's Jewish problem. 

Here is an earlier post of mine where I say the same thing. 

Israel is just part of the problem. The Jewish problem is world wide. For example, the Jewish problem is much stronger in Europe than it is in Israel.  The Jewish problem is much stronger in the USA than it is in Israel.  So for Mr. Duff to blame everything on Israel as if its the source of all evil is incorrect. The tiny nation of Israel is no doubt involved in a lot of evil things, but it is not the true source of the world wide Jewish problem and to say it is is not honest.

I have other problems with what Mr. Duff said upon reflection.

For example, he implies that the USA was not corrupt until a U.S. Supreme Court decision allowed Israel to buy the U.S. Congress.  This is not true at all.  Before Israel even came into existence as a country in 1948, the Jewish problem was alive and well in the USA.  Jews controlled the USA for a long time before Israel even became part of the picture.  So it is dishonest of Mr. Duff to say that Israel corrupted the USA when the USA was corrupt long before Israel even became a country.  

Another thing is that Mr. Duff paints Sheldon Adelson, pictured above, as the Jew controlling all the corruption in the USA. This is not true at all. While I am certain that Adelson and his wife are both corrupt Jews, to put all the blame on them is dishonest. This man is NOT the source of the Jewish problem in the USA. 

I have not yet listened to Mr. Duff's full speech but these things jumped out at me as I was reflecting on what I heard him say in that Damascus, Syria speech. He is not telling the truth about the Jewish problem.  Instead Gordon Duff is framing the Jewish problem in a dishonest way to not show the true extent of the problem. 

I will be listening to the rest of what he says but with a more critical ear this time. Because I wasn't born yesterday.  I have been looking at the Jewish Problem for a long time and I am not easily deceived even when someone is pushing my emotional buttons as Gordon Duff clearly is in that Damascus speech. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Workin’ for the OCC


OCC = Organized Crime Cabal

Workin' for the OCC

The red pill is coming to me more and more lately.  After years of investigating this shit, its all becoming revealed.  Everything I had only suspected before turns out not only to be true but only the tip of the iceberg revealing deeper corruption.  Learning this causes depression in an honest person who does not want to believe the corruption is this bad but it is this bad. The enemy runs the U.S. Government. It explains a lot. 

General Thomas McInerney is a Snake.


Snakes on a plane?  How about Snakes in the U.S. Government?  The man pictured above, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney has been outed as a Snake in this post. My thanks to the good people at Veterans Today for exposing this snake.  He is far from the only Snake in the U.S. Government but just one of many enemies to the American people who has sold his soul to the evil Rothschilds. 

The reason I am making this separate post about him is because I was doing a little more digging into him and it turns out he has been involved in other evil things, such as in the following link:

This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud

In his unfounded version of events, U.S. special operations forces died in an attack on a CIA computer facility in Germany that was hiding information about a massive, covert effort to flip votes from President Donald Trump to his opponent, Joe Biden.  This was during the 2020 election. 

But even though big Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command have told Military Times that there was no such attack, or loss of life, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is sticking by his claims.

They became so widely distributed on social media that numerous accounts on Twitter falsely claimed that five soldiers killed in a Sinai helicopter crash were really killed in the firefight with the CIA.

“President Trump won in a landslide and the Dems left so many footprints that this TREASON must be stopped!!!,” he told Military Times. “This will be the last free election we have and I predicted it on 2 Nov on the Steve Bannon Show!”

So what we see is that McInerney is a Trump supporter falsely claiming like his Zionist Boss that Trump won by a landslide and the election was stolen. So a known Snake and liar is telling the exact same story another Snake and liar by the name of Donald J. Trump is telling.  Color me surprised.

There is a JEWISH agenda to all this to be sure.  You can be certain that Jews are involved in this.

This man is a Rothschild agent embedded in the U.S. Establishment.  I say one of many Rothschild agents embedded in the U.S. Establishment.  He is not working for the American people although he pretends to be.  I know someone else like that who is running for President in 2024 but let's not give that drama queen any more attention than we have to.

McInerney is part of the Deep State shadow government and he supports Trump.  I thought Trump was supposed to be an enemy of the Deep State. Wrong.  Trump is part of the Deep State as much as anyone can be.  And there are some Americans who call themselves Patriots who support this man and plan to vote for him in November. How easily American Patriots are deceived by a lying deceptive con man. I along with many others have done our best to wake up the American people about Trump but unfortunately millions of Americans do not get it.  I am sorry they are so deceived. 

But back to McInerney. There is more to learn about this man. Please see the following link:

General Thomas McInerney and the Military-Industrial Complex

Like I said, once a Snake gets revealed, they reveal themselves over and over again. They cannot help but do so because they are acting as an Agent for others.

More to Come

A relevant quote by Rudyard Kipling

Sometimes I feel so alone in spreading the truth and it seems like nobody understands what I am going through. And then I read a quote like this and I recognize I am not alone but merely one of many who is going through this journey.  And it is a journey that I have been called by God to make. I do not understand it but I recognize it. Kipling knows exactly what I have been going through since I took the red pill.