Tuesday, August 3, 2021

This Blog needs to get in front of more eyes to be effective

This Blog needs to get in front of more eyes to be effective in red pilling humanity to the truth about the world we live in.  While I sincerely appreciate every single viewer of this Blog I am aware that most posts of this blog do not get a lot of looks, because I watch the statistics.  One of the main reasons I started this Blog was to help to red pill the blue pilled world.  Although I am doing my best to tell the truth on this blog as I see it, this blog is not effective if only a small number of people read it.  I make the following request to all current viewers of this blog.

If you believe that this blog is telling the truth and if you believe that its important for the world to know the truths I am telling on this blog then I humbly ask that you help spread awareness of this Blog to others who do not know about it to increase its viewership for the purpose of getting some badly needed truth out to the world who needs to hear these things.  Especially now when the enemy we face is deceiving so many people with the Covid 19 injections and doing so much damage to the world, these truths need to get out.  Its a waste and a shame for me to be telling these truths and for only a very small audience to even be listening.  You do not learn these things just for your own awareness but you learn them to spread the truth to others who do not know.  You and I have a responsibility to get the truth out to as many people as we can and I need you to do your part in this.  Please help me.